1.0.5 • Published 8 years ago

gulp-release-easy v1.0.5

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Last release
8 years ago



A gulp plugin that helps you automate releasing and publishing to NPM easy than ever! All you need to do is issue gulp release. I've used it in my pet project as well as used it to publish itself!


npm install gulp-release-easy --save-dev

var gulp = require('gulp');

You can also pass along a config object where you can define your chosen release branch (by default, it will be 'master');

// Set 'develop' as the release branch

See more about what you can pass in the config object below.

All you need to know is just simply issue:

gulp release

Instead of manually: pull changes from release branch -> bump version -> commit -> tag -> push to release branch -> publish to NPM

or a full version:

gulp release -b my-release-branch --minor --bower


Instead of typing parameters every time you issue gulp release, you can set them by default by passing the config object and then simply gulp release:

// all the properties below are optional
	releaseBranch:'develop', // Set 'develop' as the release branch 'master' is default
	releaseType: 'minor', // or 'marjor' or 'patch' (which is default)
	excludeTask: 'publish', // this will do all the tasks but NOT publishing to NPM
	origin: 'origin', //origin branch, default is 'origin'. Command line equivelence is `-o origin-branch-name`
	pkg: 'package.json'

If you want instead want to type in the verbose version of your gulp release, you can pass along some parameters, this will override the config options you passed in gulpfile.js:

gulp-release -b branch-nameyour release branch
gulp-release --minor (or -v minor)release minor (the same thing with patch and major, default is patch)
gulp-release --bower (or --npm or --node)choose the package file that you want to update (either npm or bower, default is npm)
gulp-release -x taskNameexclude the task during the releasing process, currently only 'publish' can be exceluded

run gulp -T for a list of available commands