1.2.2 • Published 8 years ago

gulp-shark-automation v1.2.2

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Last release
8 years ago

Gulp-shark-automation is a tool for automation of front-end.It supplies two functions:

  1. make a mock server during development phase
  2. build the source code and static resource during the deploy phase

Gulp-shark-automation needs a config file:

module.exports = {
    comment: '',  //not required
    version: '1.0.0',  //not required
    product: 'shark-automation', //name of product. not required
    contextPath: '/', //rootpath of request.default '/'
    protocol: 'http', //the protocol of product. default 'http'
    port: 9100, //port of mock server. required
    hostname: 'demo.shark.automation', //hostname of mock server. required
    openurl: 'http://demo.shark.automation:9000/index.html', //url is opend automatically when the mock server is ready. not required
    rootPath: __dirname, //rootpath of product.required
    webapp: 'src/main/webapp', //path of source code.required
    mock: 'src/test/mock', //path of mock files.required
    scssPath: 'style/scss', //path of scss files. required
    cssPath: 'style/css', //path of css files. required
    imgPath: 'style/img', //path of images. required
    videoPath: 'style/video', //path of video. not required
    jsPath: 'js', //path of js. required
    fontPath: 'fonts', //path of fonts. not required
    htmlPath: 'views', //path of html. required
    templatePath: 'WEB-INF/tmpl', //path of ftl. not required
    ajaxPrefix: '/xhr', //rootpath of ajax request. required.
    mimgPathPrefix: '/hxm', //rootpath of static file requrest. not required.
    ifwebpack: true, //should use webpack to build js. not required
    mimgURLPrefix: {
        develop: '', //the rootpath of static resource during develop phase
        online: '', //the rootpath of static resource at online phase 
        test: '' //the rootpath of static resource at test phase
    //need to deploy then required
    deploy: {
        path: '', //the folder path which contains the files need to be pushed to the repository
        static: '', ////the folder path which contains the static files need to be pushed to the repository
        giturl: '', //git repository url.not required
        git: {
            test: 'test', //test repository
            online: 'deploy' //online repository


Gulp-shark-automation use express to make a mock server and need some mock files.Express uses the mock file related to the request path as response.For instance:request path: /xhr/demo/list.do, the related mock file is {config.mock}/xhr/demo/list.do

below shows how to start the mock server.

var gulpSharkAutomation = require('gulp-shark-automation'),
    express = require('express'),
    openurl = require('openurl');
var config = require('./config.js'); //config file
gulp.task('server', function(cb) {
    var app = express();

    var router = gulpSharkAutomation.registerServer({
        baseConf: config
    app.listen(config.port, function(err) {
        if (err) {
            return console.log(err);
        console.log('express listening on %d', config.port);
    //the browser-sync task is registed by gulp-shark-automation
    // It is response for hot replace or livereload when the static resource changes
    runSequence('browser-sync', function() {
        //open the url automatically


Gulp-shark-automation helps you to build source code and deal the static resource such as compress、md5.You can assemble the tasks gulp-shark-automation registed to do the build.Below is the list of tasks gulp-shark-automation registed and the npm tool it depend on:

  • clean:Clean the build folder depned on gulp-clean
  • sass-preprocess:Compass sass to css depend on gulp-sass.
  • webpack-server:use webpack to build js. Depend on webpack、webpack-stream
  • useref:merge static resource the html and ftl linked depend on gulp-useref
  • imagemin: min the image depend on gulp-imagemin、imagemin-pngquant
  • revision-image: reversion the image use md5 depend on gulp-rev
  • revreplace-css、revreplace-js: replace the image link url after reversion-image depend on gulp-rev-replace
  • revision-css、revision-js:reversion the css or js depend on gulp-rev
  • revreplace-html、revreplace-ftl: repalce the static resource include js、css、image link url depend on gulp-rev-replace
  • copy-build: copy the builded files to the dest of build
  • zip: compress files to zip depend on gulp-zip、md5
  • deploy: depoly the build files to the git repository depend on shark-deploy-git


var argv = require('yargs').argv,
    gulpSharkAutomation = require('gulp-shark-automation');
var config = require('./config.js'); //config file
    baseConf: config
gulp.task('build', function(cb) {

        // clean folders
        // compass and copy to tmp1
        ['sass-preprocess', 'webpack-server'],
        // // use reference in html and ftl
        // // imagemin and copy to tmp1
        // // revision images
        // // revreplace images
        ['revreplace-css', 'revreplace-js'],
        // // revision css,js
        ['revision-css', 'revision-js'],
        // // revreplace html,ftl
        // // copy to build dir
        // callback


The npm package which the tasks gulp-shark-automation registed depend on is config with default options.If you want to override the default option, you can do this way:

var config = require('./config.js'); //config file
    baseConf: config,
    //the key is the npm package name in camel-case you want to override
    //the value is the option you want to set.It follows the npm package's mode
    gulpSass: {
