0.1.0 • Published 7 years ago

gulp-smart-debian v0.1.0

Weekly downloads
Last release
7 years ago
$ yarn add gulp-smart-debian -D

Define package in-line:

'use strict'

const gulp = require('gulp')
const deb = require('gulp-smart-debian')

function createDebTask() {
    return gulp.src(['demo.sh','blob.bin'])
        package: 'demo',
        version: '0.1-2',
        section: 'base',
        priority: 'optional',
        architecture: 'i386',
        maintainer: 'Mr. Apt <apt@nowhere.tld>',
        description: 'A dummy package',
        preinst: [ 'echo "hello from dummy package"' ],
        postinst: [ 'cat -n /opt/demo/.npmignore' ],
        changelog: [
            version: '0.1-2',
            distribution: 'unstable',
            urgency: 'low',
            date: new Date('2016-12-24T12:40:10'),
            changes: [
              'Added another feature.',
              'Fixed feature X.'
            version: '0.1-1',
            distribution: 'unstable',
            urgency: 'low',
            date: '2016-12-23T11:24:00',
            changes: [
              'First release.'
        _target: 'opt/demo',
        _out: 'dist',
        _verbose: true

gulp.task('default', gulp.parallel(createDebTask));

Alternatively, you can define your package in an external JSON file:

function task() {
    return gulp.src(['demo.sh', 'blob.bin'])

You can also use a YAML file to define your package. Just convert it to an Object first using the js-yaml module (npm install --save js-yaml):

const YAML = require('js-yaml')
const fs = require('fs')

function task() {
     return gulp.src(['demo.sh', 'blob.bin'])
  • Options: Object containing properties for a Debian file and the following parameters: preinst: Array of commands to run for the package's pre-install script (optional). postint: Array of commmands to run for the package's post-install script (optional). changelog: Array of versions and their changes to write to the package's changelog (optional, but recommended). Options are: version: String for version with changes. distribution: String for version distribution. urgency: String for version urgency. date: Date object or String in ISO 8601 notation for version date. changes: Array of changes made. _target: string - The installation target for the created Debian package (mandatory). _out: string - The target directory to create the Debian package in (mandatory). * _verbose: boolean - Verbose output from dpkg-deb utility (optional; true if omitted).


    • String containing filename for external JSON file defining package.
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