1.1.1 • Published 8 years ago

gulp-starter-kit v1.1.1

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Last release
8 years ago

A fully featured asset pipeline based on gulp.

Gulp Starter applies community best practices and allows you to quick start your next project / explore a new library's API without worrying too much about automatization tasks.

It is project structure agnostic. You can use any folder structure you like (the current one, component based etc).

You dont have to wait seconds until the re-compilation process is done, all tasks has incremental build optimalization.

It is backend agnostic, you can use the opt-in sample api or any existing backend api.

This project is inspired by vigetlabs/gulp-starter.

git clone https://github.com/vigetlabs/gulp-starter.git MyApp
cd MyApp && npm i

Notable features

  • CSS:
  • JS:
  • Development Mode:
    • File Watching and Live Reloading with BrowserSync
    • Sample api middleware
    • Live css inject without page reload
  • Production Builds:
    • JS and CSS minification
    • Cache busting
    • File size reporting
    • Local production sever for testing

Basic Usage

Make sure Node 4.2.x is installed. I recommend using NVM to manage versions.

Install Dependencies

npm i

Start compiling, serving, and watching files

npm run dev

(or gulp --dev)

This runs gulp from ./node_modules/bin, using the version installed with this project, rather than a globally installed instance. All commands in the package.json scripts work this way. The gulp command runs the default task, defined in asset-pipeline/tasks/default.js.

All files will compile in development mode (uncompressed with source maps). BrowserSync will serve up files to localhost:3000 and will stream live changes to the code and assets to all connected browsers.


Directory and top level settings are conveniently exposed in asset-pipeline/config.js. All task configuration objects have src and dest directories specified.

Build production-ready files

npm run prod

This will compile revision and compressed files to ./public. To build production files and preview them localy, run

npm run demo

(or gulp --prod)

If you want to check your production build run npm run demo http://localhost:8080. This is primarily meant as a way to preview your production build locally.


How to replace the sample API with an existing backend API?

Go to asset-pipeline/tasks/browser-sync.js comment out option A, and the middleware part.

// A, if you don't have a backend api use the built in server
// server: {
//   baseDir: 'public'
// },

// B, if you got a backend api proxy the request to it
proxy: 'example.com',

// custom middleware for mock api
// middleware(req, res, next) {
//   require('../../api/api')(req, res, next);
// },

Why Browserify?

Why not? I have abosuletly no problem with browserify.