3.0.0 • Published 5 years ago

gulp-task-wrapper v3.0.0

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5 years ago

Gulp JSON Tasks

  • 🔍 Gulp JSON Tasks - A NPM module to create Gulp 4.x tasks via JSON configuration.
    • Quickly use common gulp tasks! Leverage best of config based build tool alongside Gulp's programmatic style!
    • Not for public production! Please fork for personal use! - This module is for @htkoca's private development.

Usage Summary

  • Prep: Load the module
  • Step 1: Create a task with jsonTask function, with support for the following task types. - delete type tasks: deletes folders using del - sass type tasks: process files using gulp-sass, post-css, autoprefixer, gulp-sourcemaps - js type tasks: process files using gulp-concat, gulp-uglify, gulp-sourcemaps - img type tasks: process files using gulp-imagemin - copy type tasks: process files using gulp's gulp.src, gulp.dest - bs and bs-reload type tasks: creates a BrowserSync instance task and reload task, respectively. - app and app-reload type tasks: creates an application instance task and restart app task, respectively.
  • Step 2: Use these tasks in regular gulp workflow.

Example Usage

  • Load the module in terminal: npm install gulp-task-creator
  • Example below: Task creation for sass, js, img compression, file copy and BrowserSync. - Files are sourced from a folder called ./private with subdirectories css, js, img, assets - Files are sent to a folder called ./public
// ****************************************************************************************************
// Init
// ****************************************************************************************************

// use strict code
"use strict";

// dependencies
const gulp = require("gulp");
const jsonTask = require('./index.js');
const autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer');

// ****************************************************************************************************
// Create Tasks
// ****************************************************************************************************

gulp.task("delete", jsonTask({
	type: "delete",
	options: {
		src: "./public"

gulp.task("css", jsonTask({
	type: "sass",
	options: {
		src: `private/css/app.scss`,
		dest: `public/css/app.css`,
		sourcemaps: true,
		sass: { 
			outputStyle: 'compressed' 
		postcss: { 
			enable: true, 
			plugins: [autoprefixer()] 

gulp.task("js", jsonTask({
	type: "js",
	options: {
		src: `private/js/*.js`,
		dest: `public/js/app.js`,
		sourcemaps: false,
		uglify: { 
			compress: true 

gulp.task("img", jsonTask({
	type: "img",
	options: {
		src: `private/img/**/*`,
		dest: `public/img/*`,
		imagemin: { 
			enable: false 

gulp.task("assets", jsonTask({
	type: "copy",
	options: {
		src: `private/assets/**/*`,
		dest: `public/assets/*`

gulp.task("root", jsonTask({
	type: "copy",
	options: {
		src: `private/*.*`,
		dest: `public/*`

gulp.task("bs", jsonTask({
	type: "bs",
	options: {
		bs: {
			server: './public', 
			port: 3001, 
			open: true 

gulp.task("bs-reload", jsonTask({
	type: "bs-reload"

gulp.task("app", jsonTask({
	type: "app",
	options: {
		app: {
			cmd: 'node example-process.js',
			stdout: function(done, data){
				if(data.toString().indexOf('ready') > -1){

gulp.task("app-reload", gulp.series('app'));

// ****************************************************************************************************
// Tasks - collection
// ****************************************************************************************************

// watchers
gulp.task("watcher", function(done) {
	gulp.watch(`private/css/**/*`				).on("all", gulp.series("css"));
	gulp.watch(`private/js/**/*`				).on("all", gulp.series("js", "bs-reload"));
	gulp.watch(`private/img/**/*`				).on("all", gulp.series("img", "bs-reload"));
	gulp.watch(`private/assets/**/*`		).on("all", gulp.series("assets", "bs-reload"));
	gulp.watch(`private/*.*`						).on("all", gulp.series("root", "app-reload", "bs-reload"));

// commands
gulp.task("build", gulp.series("delete", gulp.parallel("css", "js", "img", "assets", "root")));
gulp.task("watch", gulp.series("build", "bs", "app", "watcher"));