0.1.1 • Published 9 years ago

gulp-xunit-runner v0.1.1

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9 years ago


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A gulp.js plugin to facilitate running XUnit tests on .NET assemblies. Much of this work was inspired by the gulp-nunit-runner plugin.

##Installation From the root of your project (where your gulpfile.js is), issue the following command:

npm install --save-dev gulp-xunit-runner

##Usage The plugin uses standard gulp.src globs to retrieve a list of assemblies that should be tested with XUnit. By default the plugin looks for the XUnit console runner in your PATH. You can optionally specify the XUnit bin folder or the full path of the runner as demonstrated below. You should add {read: false} to your gulp.src so that it doesn't actually read the files and only grabs the file names.

var gulp = require('gulp'),
    xunit = require('gulp-xunit-runner');

gulp.task('unit-test', function () {
  return gulp.src(['**/*.Test.dll'], {read: false})
      executable: 'C:/xunit/bin/xunit-console.exe',

This would result in the following command being executed (assuming you had Database and Services Test assemblies.)

C:/xunit/bin/xunit-console.exe "C:\full\path\to\Database.Test.dll" "C:\full\path\to\Services.Test.dll"

Note: If you use Windows paths with \'s, you need to escape them with another \. (e.g. C:\\xunit\\bin\\xunit-console.exe). However, you may also use forward slashes / instead which don't have to be escaped.

You may also add options that will be used as XUnit command line switches. Any property that is a boolean true will simply be added to the command line, String values will be added to the switch parameter separated by a colon and arrays will be a comma seperated list of values.

For more information on available switches, see the XUnit documentation:


var gulp = require('gulp'),
    xunit = require('gulp-xunit-runner');

gulp.task('unit-test', function () {
  return gulp.src(['**/*.Test.dll'], {read: false})
      executable: 'C:/xunit/bin/xunit-console.exe',
      options: {
        nologo: true,
        xml: 'test_results.xml'

This would result in the following command:

C:/xunit/bin/xunit-console.exe /nologo /config:"Release" /transform:"myTransform.xslt" "C:\full\path\to\Database.Test.dll" "C:\full\path\to\Services.Test.dll"


Below are all avialable options.

    // The XUnit bin folder or the full path of the console runner.
    // If not specified the XUnit bin folder must be in the `PATH`.
    executable: 'path to xunit console runner',

    // The options below map directly to the XUnit console runner. See here
    // for more info: http://www.xunit.org/index.php?p=consoleCommandLine&r=2.6.3
    options: {

        // Set parallelisation based on option.
        parallel: none - turn off all parallelization
                  collections - only parallelize collections
                  assemblies - only parallelize assemblies
                  all - parallelize assemblies & collections,

        // Maximum thread count for collection parallelization.
        maxthreads: 0 - run with unbounded thread count
                    >0 - limit task thread pool size to 'count',

        // Do not shadow copy assemblies.
        noshadow: true

        // Forces TeamCity mode (normally auto-detected).
        teamcity: true

        // Forces AppVeyor CI mode (normally auto-detected).
        appveyor: true

        // Do not show the copyright message.
        nologo: true

        // Do not show progress messages.
        quiet: true

        // Wait for input after completion.
        wait: true

        // Launch the debugger to debug the tests.
        debug: true

        // Only run tests with matching name/value traits. If specified more than once, acts as an OR operation.
        trait: 'name=value',

        // Do not run tests with matching name/value traits. If specified more than once, acts as an AND operation.
        notrait: 'name=value',

        // Run a given test method (should be fully specified; i.e., 'MyNamespace.MyClass.MyTestMethod'). If specified more than once, acts as an OR operation
        method: 'name',

        // Run all methods in a given test class (should be fully specified; i.e., 'MyNamespace.MyClass'). If specified more than once, acts as an OR operation.
        class: 'name',

        // Output results to xUnit.net v2 style XML file.
        xml: 'filename',

        // Output results to xUnit.net v1 style XML file.
        xmlv1: 'filename',

        // Output results to NUnit-style XML file.
        nunit: 'filename',

        // Output results to HTML file.
        html: 'filename'

Release Notes

0.1.0 (02 March 2015)

  • Initial release