0.1.1 • Published 7 years ago

gun-exec v0.1.1

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Last release
7 years ago

Gun data API executer


Execute Gun.js API via structured data.


A structured data API is useful for clients who don't have direct access to the gun instance or the Javascript environment.

The "raison d'être" was an attempt to use Gun from Elm, a foreign client environment. With gun exec we can do:

let execute = createExec(Gun(), {logging: true})

app.ports.gunCommander.subscribe(function (command) {
  console.log('gun command from elm', command)
  // execute command via gun-exec


npm: npm i -S gun-exec (soon)

yarn: yarn add gun-exec (soon)

from github: npm i -S kristianmandrup/gun-exec


  • gun v. 0.6 or higher


Assumes Babel.js or similar transpiler setup

import Gun from 'gun/gun'
import createExec from 'gun-exec'
const gun = Gun();

let execute = createExec(gun, {
    // default options for each execute context
    logging: true

// equivalent to: gun.get('colors').put({color: 'blue'})
execute(gun, [{
  get: 'colors'
}, {
  put: {
    color: 'blue'

let cols = execute(gun, {
  get: 'colors'
// ...

Using structured commands in the form name and args

  execute(gun, [{
    name: 'get',
    args: 'colors'
  }, {
    name: 'val',
    args: [cb]

For mutations such as set and put you can use explicit model option

  execute(gun, [{
    name: 'get',
    args: 'colors'
  }, {
    name: 'put',
    model: myColors

You can mix and match these command declaration variants as you like

Special options:

  • root: true : resets the chain context to the gun instance.

Advanced example

  let blue = execute(gun, [{
    get: 'kris'
  }, {
    put: {
      name: 'kris',
      role: 'developer'
  }, {
    get: 'kris',
    root: true
  }, {
    val: cbEnd
  }], {
    // override options for this execution context
    logging: false

Here we override the logging setting of this execute context via logging: false option in the final (optional) argument.

Elm usage

See Elm usage example

bad ass


Install dependency modules/packages

npm i


The project includes a gulpfile configured to use Babel 6. All /src files are compiled to /dist including source maps.


  • start: npm start
  • build: npm run build (ie. compile)
  • watch and start: npm run watch
  • watch and build: npm run watch:b

Run Tests

npm test or simply ava test


MIT Kristian Mandrup