1.0.5 • Published 6 years ago

gutenberg-sortable v1.0.5

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6 years ago

Gutenberg Sortable

A Gutenberg component to turn anything into an animated, touch- and a11y-friendly sortable list. Like these images in a block with desktop wallpapers:

images in a wallpaper block that are sorted by dragging and dropping


  • Locked axises
  • Events
  • Smooth animations
  • Auto-scrolling
  • Horizontal, vertical and grid lists
  • Touch support 👌
  • Keyboard support 💪


Using npm: $ npm install gutenberg-sortable --save

And then, using a module bundler that supports ES2015 modules (like webpack):

import Sortable from 'gutenberg-sortable';

//or, if you're not using ES6:
var Sortable = require('gutenberg-sortable');


Here's a basic example of the Sortable gutenberg component, used in a block.

    //... skipping the usual registerBlockType settings, and getting straight to the attributes:
    attributes: {
        images: {
            source: 'query',
            selector: 'img',
            query: {
                url: { source: 'attribute', attribute: 'src' },
                alt: { source: 'attribute', attribute: 'alt' }
    edit( props ) {

        let images = ( !props.attributes.images ? [] : props.attributes.images );
        const { className, setAttributes } = props

        return (
            <div className={className}>
                    onSortEnd={ ( images ) => setAttributes({ images }) }
                    {images.map((image) =>
                        <img src={image.url} alt={image.alt} class="gallery-image" />
    //... rest of the block logic

Let's break that down:


When you register an attribute to work with Sortable, it's probably easiest to use a source: 'query' attribute. This makes it so you can just add html or components to your Sortable.


Sortable is meant as a wrapper. Wrap it around everything you'd like to be sortable. It will add a parent div around all the children. You should also pass the attribute (in this case images) as a prop called "items". This ensures you will get back the re-sorted prop in your sortable events.

There's a few options you can pass the component:

axis - The axis you'd like to sort on. This example is set to 'grid', but X and Y are also available. Y is the default.

onSortStart - What to do when sorting starts. This is a function that will get the node and it's index plus the event as it's properties returned. A simple example for this:

const highlight = ({node, index}, event) => {
    console.log( 'the element you\'ve picked up has an index of '+index );

<Sortable onSortStart={highlight}>

This will give the picked up node a "highlight" class and log a message with the nodes current index.

onSortEnd - What to do when sorting has finished. This function will return the items you passed along as a prop, but now reordered according to the users' action. In the basic example above we just reset the attribute with the new sorted values.


Gutenberg Sortable depends on the react-sortable-hoc package by Claudéric Demers.


All help is welcome! Please live your feature- and/org pull-request here! 😉