1.0.1 • Published 8 years ago

handle-path v1.0.1

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Last release
8 years ago


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A simple route handling tool. Mapping a URL to a handler


Install handle-path using npm:

npm install --save handle-path


Module usage

const handlePath = require('handle-path');

const {path, pattern, value, params} = handlePath('/item/3', {
	'/home': () => HomeComponent(),
	'/about': () => AboutComponent(),
	'/item/:id': id => ItemComponent({id}),
	'/items': () => ItemListComponent(),
	'*': () => NotFoundComponent()
 * path = '/item/3'
 * pattern = '/item/:id'
 * value = ItemComponent({id})
 * params = ['3']


Primitive type as handler

const handlePath = require('handle-path');

const {path, pattern, value, params} = handlePath('/item/10', {
	'/home': 1,
	'/about': 2,
	'/item/:id': 3,
	'/items': 4,
	'*': 5
 * path = '/item/10'
 * pattern = '/item/:id'
 * value = 3
 * params = ['10']

Nested route configuration

const handlePath = require('handle-path');

const {path, pattern, value, params} = handlePath('/item/10', {
	'/home': 1,
	'/about': 2,
	'/item': {
		':id': 3
	'/items': 4,
	'*': 5
 * path = '/item/10'
 * pattern = '/item/:id'
 * value = 3
 * params = ['10']

Function handler

const handlePath = require('handle-path');

const {path, pattern, value, params} = handlePath('/item/10', {
	'/home': () => 1,
	'/about': () => 2,
	'/item': {
		':id': id => id
	'/items': () => 4,
	'*': () => 5
 * path = '/item/10'
 * pattern = '/item/:id'
 * value = 10
 * params = ['10']

Related packages

  • switch-path - switch case for URLs, a small tool for routing in JavaScript

The differences between switch-path and handle-path are:

  • handle-path always stops on first pattern match, so keep your catch-all's (i.e. "*") in the bottom of the handlers
  • handle-path uses path-to-regexp under the hood so you can use all of its pattern features
  • handle-path's matching is strict, so /home/page1 won't be matched by /home you have to use a pattern like /home/* for that
  • handle-path allows you to use functions as values even for patterns without parameters, and they will be called without arguments on pattern match


handlePath(path, routes)

pathStringThe path to match
routesObjectThe routes config


	path: String, // the matched path on match, otherwise `null`
	pattern: String, // the matched pattern, otherwise `null`
	value: Mixed, // the matched value, otherwise `null`
	params: Array<String>, // the matched params, otherwise `null`

Routes configuration

The routes configuration should be an Object with path patterns as keys and their handlers as values.

A handler can be of any type, a nested route configuration or a function. Functions are called with any matched path parameters and their return values are used as value in the handlePath's return value.


MIT © Joakim Carlstein