1.0.2 • Published 9 years ago

hansa v1.0.2

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9 years ago


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Create leagues of Argosy micro-services; connected via pipes.


var argosy = require('argosy'),
    hansa  = require('hansa')

var service1 = argosy(),
    service2 = argosy(),
    client   = argosy(),
    league   = hansa()

service1.accept({ greet: argosy.pattern.match.string }).process(function (msg, cb) {
    cb(null, 'Greetings ' + msg.greet)

service2.accept({ max: argosy.pattern.match.array }).process(function (msg, cb) {
    cb(null, Math.max.apply(null, msg.max))

league.connect([service1, service2, client], function () {
    client.invoke({ greet: 'Gege' }, function (err, message) {

        client.invoke({ max: [3, 9, 7] }, function (err, max) {
            console.log('The biggest number is: ' + max)


var league = hansa()


Connect an Argosy endpoint to the league. This is a convenience function that does for you:

var port = league.port()

In addition it maintains relationship between endpoint and port to make disconnection easier. Attempting to connect the same endpoint twice will have no effect.


Disconnect an Argosy endpoint from the league. This is a convenience function that does for you:


... where the league knows the port, so that you do not need to maintain a reference to it.

var leagueStream = league.createStream()

Add an unpaired Argosy stream to the league, to be connected to another Argosy endpoint or hansa league. This behaves just like any other Argosy stream, except it appears to provide all services that are provided by any Argosy endpoint piped to a league port. It's possible to connect two league objects this way, by piping them together.

Example of manually connecting an Argosy stream to a league (without using league.connect):

var league = require('hansa')(),
    argosy = require('argosy')()


Only one Argosy stream should be connected to a given Hansa league stream. Upon connecting, the league will request to be notified of services offered by (now or in the future) the Argosy stream, and any Argosy stream connected to the league will see those services, as well as the services of all other connected streams


An eventuate representing a new Argosy stream being connected to the league. Handler functions, cb, associated with the eventuate receive the local (league-side) Argosy stream.


An eventuate representing an Argosy stream being disconnected from the league. Handler functions, cb, associated with the eventuate receive the local (league-side) Argosy stream.


An eventuate representing a failure while attempting to connect a new Argosy stream to the league. Handler functions, cb, associated with the eventuate receive the local (league-side) Argosy strean.


An eventuate representing a new service pattern being defined by one of the Argosy streams belonging to the league. Handler functions, cb, associated with the eventuate receive the Argosy pattern object.


An eventuate representing the removal of a previously accepted service pattern. Handler functions, cb, associated with the eventuate receive the Argosy pattern object.


An eventuate representing an error condition within the league. Handler functions associated with this eventuate receive the Error object as the payload. This eventuate requires consumption, i.e. if no handler is associated with this eventuate when an Error is produced, the Error will be thrown.


The unique ID (UUID) of the league.


An array containing all streams created via league.createStream().


An array of all service patterns (represented by Argosy pattern objects) offered by the league.


npm test [--dot | --spec] [--grep=pattern]

Specifying --dot or --spec will change the output from the default TAP style. Specifying --grep will only run the test files that match the given pattern.


npm run coverage [--html]

This will output a textual coverage report. Including --html will also open an HTML coverage report in the default browser.