1.0.1 • Published 9 years ago

hapi-auth-ownership v1.0.1

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9 years ago


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Simple authentication scheme to verify resource ownership. Clients must pass the validation rule assigned to a route to be able to access it. The ownership-access scheme takes the following options:

  • rules - (required) an object with rules; each rule is a function with the signature function(request, credentials, callback) where:
    • request - is the Hapi request object of the request which is being authenticated
    • credentials - the credentials object, taken from request.auth.credentials
    • callback - a callback function with the signature function(err, isValid, credentials) where:
      • err - an internal error
      • isValid - true if the client is granted access
      • credentials - a credentials object passed back to the application in request.auth.credentials; if you do not include this, the plugin will pass the previous credentials back to Hapi
  • errorMessage - (optional) the error message that will be sent on invalid requests; set to You do not have access to this resource by default
  • companionStrategy - (required) the strategy that will be used to retrieve credentials; this is required because ownership checks require a credentials object
var users = {
  john: {
    id: '123',
    username: 'john',
    password: 'secret'

var validate = function(request, username, password, callback) {
  var user = users[username];

  if (!user) {
    return callback(null, false);

  callback(null, password === user.password, user);

server.register(require('hapi-auth-basic'), function(err) {
  server.auth.strategy('simple', 'basic', { validateFunc: validate }); // [1]

  server.register(require('hapi-auth-ownership'), function (err) {
    server.auth.strategy('ownership', 'ownership-access', {
      rules: {
        account: function(request, credentials, callback) {
          callback(null, request.params.id === credentials.account.id); // [2]
      errorMessage: 'OOPS!', // [3]
      companionStrategy: 'simple' // [4]

      method: 'DELETE',
      path: '/account/{id}',
      config: {
        plugins: {
          hapiAuthOwnership: {
            ownershipRule: 'account' // [5]
  1. Define the companion strategy.
  2. The authenticated user only has access to their own account.
  3. Custom error message.
  4. The credentials will be retrieved from this strategy.
  5. Specify the rule to use. This will be taken from the options.rules object. If you don't specify an ownershipRule the request will be validated => the client has access.