11.1.8 • Published 5 years ago
hapi-bell-other v11.1.8
由于微信不是标准的oauth2结构,而且PR:438到官方仓库被拒绝(@hapi/bell 主要是国外的第三方),所以创建了这个仓库
Third-party authentication plugin for hapi.
bell ships with built-in support for authentication using ArcGIS Online
, Auth0
, AzureAD
, Cognito
, DigitalOcean
, Discord
, Dropbox
, Facebook
, Fitbit
, Foursquare
, GitLab
, Google Plus
, Google
, Instagram
, LinkedIn
, Medium
, Meetup
, Mixer
, Office365
, Okta
, Phabricator
, Pingfed
, Pinterest
, Reddit
, Salesforce
, Slack
, Stripe
, trakt.tv
, Tumblr
, Twitch
, Twitter
, VK
, Wordpress
, Windows Live
and Weixin
It also supports any compliant OAuth 1.0a
and OAuth 2.0
based login services with a simple
configuration object.
Social Login with Twitter using hapi.js
// Load modules
const Bell = require('hapi-bell-other');
const Hapi = require('@hapi/hapi');
// Declare internals
const internals = {};
internals.start = async function () {
const server = Hapi.server({ port: 8000 });
// Register bell with the server
await server.register(Bell);
// Declare an authentication strategy using the bell scheme
// with the name of the provider, cookie encryption password,
// and the OAuth client credentials.
server.auth.strategy('twitter', 'bell', {
provider: 'twitter',
password: 'cookie_encryption_password_secure',
clientId: 'my_twitter_client_id',
clientSecret: 'my_twitter_client_secret',
isSecure: false // Terrible idea but required if not using HTTPS especially if developing locally
// Use the 'twitter' authentication strategy to protect the
// endpoint handling the incoming authentication credentials.
// This endpoint usually looks up the third party account in
// the database and sets some application state (cookie) with
// the local application account information.
method: ['GET', 'POST'], // Must handle both GET and POST
path: '/login', // The callback endpoint registered with the provider
options: {
auth: 'twitter',
handler: function (request, h) {
if (!request.auth.isAuthenticated) {
return `Authentication failed due to: ${request.auth.error.message}`;
// Perform any account lookup or registration, setup local session,
// and redirect to the application. The third-party credentials are
// stored in request.auth.credentials. Any query parameters from
// the initial request are passed back via request.auth.credentials.query.
return h.redirect('/home');
await server.start();