0.2.0 • Published 8 years ago

hapi-bookshelf-crud v0.2.0

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8 years ago


Simple CRUD REST-to-SQL with Node.js + Hapi + Bookshelf.js + Joi, e.g. as an AngularJS backend.

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Note: This is a port of the equivalent functionality based on a Java EE server tech stack: Crudlet.

Table of contents


Install it with npm:

npm install --save hapi-bookshelf-crud

Visit its npm package page for more information.

Ways to use it

  • Build your Bookshelf.js model and get REST CRUD operations in a few lines of code.
  • Concentrate on building front-end logic (e.g. using AngularJS) and be confident that the database backend is “just there”, working as expected
  • Rapid-prototype a basic CRUD REST database backend and later switch to a more sophisticated solution, keeping the HTTP interface the same.

Why you should use it

  • Built on top of Hapi / Bookshelf.js / Joi “best of breed” solutions which can still be used as a fallback.
  • Extremely small footprint (< 30KB).
  • Human-readable documentation.
  • Free & Open source (New BSD license).


Note: For the complete source code of an example application, visit:


Given that you have a Hapi instance server and a Bookshelf instance bookshelf, you can define your models like so:

const models = {
  Customer: bookshelf.Model.extend({
    tableName: 'customer',
    schema: {
      name: Joi.string().regex(/^[A-Za-z ]*$/).required(),
      employmentStatus: Joi.string().default('Unemployed'),
      payments: hapiCrud.empty(),
  Payment: bookshelf.Model.extend({
    tableName: 'payment',
    schema: {
      amount: Joi.number().positive(),
      date: Joi.date().format('YYYY-MM-DD').allow(null),

And define your CRUD REST endpoints like so:

const hapiCrud = require('hapi-bookshelf-crud')(server);

  bookshelfModel: models.Customer,
  basePath: '/customers',

  bookshelfModel: models.Payment,
  basePath: '/customers/{customerId}/payments',
  baseQuery: function(request) {
    return {customerId: request.params.customerId}

That’s it. Now you can use e.g. the httpie command line tool to verify that you can execute RESTful CRUD operations on your entities running on the database.

Read on for an example client implementation based on AngularJS.

AngularJS client: Setup

In this example, we use Restangular as an abstraction layer to do RESTful HTTP requests which offers a far more sophisticated although more concise API than AngularJS’s built-in $http and $resource. It is set up as shown in the demo application’s main JavaScript file:

.config(function (RestangularProvider) {
  RestangularProvider.setRequestInterceptor(function(elem, operation) {
    // prevent "400 - bad request" error on DELETE
    // as in https://github.com/mgonto/restangular/issues/78#issuecomment-18687759
    if (operation === "remove") {
      return undefined;
    return elem;

You also potentially want to install and setup the angular-translate module for I18N support:

.config(['$translateProvider', function ($translateProvider) {
  $translateProvider.translations('en', translations);

AngularJS client: Implementation

In the “controller” JavaScript file, we can use Restangular to access the RESTful web service endpoint of our Customer REST service like so:

  • Get a list of entities (GET /customers/): Restangular.all("customers").getList().then(function(entities) {...})
  • Get a single entity (GET /customers/1): Restangular.one("customers", $routeParams.id).get().then(function (entity) {...})
  • Save an entity (PUT /customers/1): $scope.entity.save().then(function() {...})
  • ... (see Restangular's documentation for more information)


hapi-bookshelf-crud comes with out-of-the-box support for localized validation error messages. If upon save, a validation error occurs, the server answers e.g. like this:

  "validationErrors": {
    "name": {
      "attributes": {
        "pattern": "/^[A-Za-z ]*$/",
        "value": "Name not allowed!!"
      "constraintClassName": "string.regex.base",
      "invalidValue": "Name not allowed!!",
      "messageTemplate": "string.regex.base"

Using the angular-translate module of AngularJS we set up previously, we can show all localized validation messages like so:

<div class="alert alert-danger" ng-show="validationErrors != null">
    <li ng-repeat="(component, error) in validationErrors">
      {{'payment.' + component | translate}}: {{'error.' + error.messageTemplate | translate:error.attributes }}

The validationErrors.<property>.messageTemplate part is the Joi validation error’s details.type property value. We can use this as the I18N key and use validationErrors.<property>.attributes for additional context information:

var translations = {
  'error.string.regex.base': 'must match "{{pattern}}"',

(I preceded it with error. here.)

Because the error object returned by the server is a map, we can also use it to conditionally render special error styling, e.g. using Bootstrap’s error style class:

ng-class="{'has-error': errors.amount != null}"


Similar to validation errors, Bookshelf.js / Knex / SQL errors will also return a user-friendly error response message. For instance, let’s assume that a Customer has a list of Payments and you try to delete a Customer with a non-empty Payments list:

  "error": {
    "detailMessage": "delete from `customer` where `id` = '1' - ER_ROW_IS_REFERENCED_2: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`restdemo`.`payment`, CONSTRAINT `payment_customer_id_foreign` FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id`) REFERENCES `customer` (`id`))",
    "exception": "ER_ROW_IS_REFERENCED_2"

Again, you can catch and display these in the AngularJS view:

<div class="alert alert-danger" ng-show="errorNotFound != null || error != null">
    <li ng-show="error != null">
      {{'error.' + error.exception | translate}}

With appropriate localization:

var translations = {
  'error.ER_ROW_IS_REFERENCED_2': 'Cannot delete an object which is still referenced to by other objects.',

Because in a real-world production environment, exposing details of an exception may be a security issue, you can suppress this user-friendly exception detail output by setting the options.returnExceptionBody boolean flag to false when initializing hapi-bookshelf-crud.


REST service endpoints

hapi-bookshelf-crud maps these HTTP requests to Bookshelf.js functions:

  • GET /contextPath/model: bookshelfModel.where(...).fetchAll()
    • Searches for all entities of the given type; or searches for all entities of the given type which match all the given query parameters if the allowFilters option flag is set to true. Allowed filters are:
      • = String equals, e.g. GET /contextPath/customers?city=Los%20Angeles
      • => Greater than or equals, e.g. GET /contextPath/customers/1/payments?amount=>100
      • =< Less than or equals, e.g. GET /contextPath/customers/1/payments?amount=<100
      • =~ String SQL "LIKE", e.g. GET /contextPath/customers?address=~%Street
      • Id= Foreign key equals, e.g. GET /contextPath/customers/1/payments?customerId=1 (this is implemented purely to stay compatible with Crudlet's API and works only if the column holding the foreign key is formatted as in <COLUMNNAME>_ID)
    • returns HTTP 200 OK with list of entities
  • GET /contextPath/model/_count: bookshelfModel.where(...).count()
    • Counts all entities of the given type; or counts all entities of the given type which match all the given query parameters if the allowFilters option flag is set to true. Allowed filters are the same as for GET /contextPath/model.
    • returns HTTP 200 OK with the calculation output; or HTTP 403 FORBIDDEN if the allowCount option flag is set to false.
  • GET /contextPath/model/:id: bookshelfModel.where(findById(...)).fetch()
    • Searches for the entity of the given type with the given id.
    • returns HTTP 200 OK with entity if found; or HTTP 404 NOT FOUND if entity is not found.
  • POST /contextPath/model with entity: bookshelfModel.forge(request.payload).save()
    • Saves the entity for the first time.
    • returns HTTP 200 OK with saved entity (as returned by the insert operation) and Location header with content “/contextPath/model/:id”; or HTTP 400 BAD REQUEST with error information on validation error / if entity's id field is not null.
  • PUT /contextPath/model/:id with entity: bookshelfModel.forge(request.payload).save()
    • Updates the existing entity.
    • returns HTTP 200 OK with updated entity (e.g. new id) and Location header with content “/contextPath/model/:id”; or HTTP 400 BAD REQUEST with error information on validation error / if entity's id field is not null nor matches the :id path parameter.
  • DELETE /contextPath/model: bookshelfModel.where(...).where('id', '!=', '0').destroy()
    • Deletes all entities of the given type; or deletes all entities of the given type which match all the given query parameters if the allowFilters option flag is set to true. Allowed filters are the same as for GET /contextPath/model.
    • returns HTTP 204 NO CONTENT; or HTTP 403 FORBIDDEN if the allowDeleteAll option flag is set to false.
  • DELETE /contextPath/model/:id: bookshelfModel.where(findById(...)).destroy()
    • Deletes the entity with the id provided
    • returns HTTP 204 NO CONTENT.

These REST service endpoints are optimized for use with a Restangular client.

Note: In order to use these endpoint URLs with an optional trailing slash (/), configure the hapi server with router.stripTrailingSlash set to true:

const server = new Hapi.Server();
server.connection({ routes: { cors: true }, router: { stripTrailingSlash: true }, port: 3000 });

Validation errors

A validation error returns with HTTP 400 BAD REQUEST and the following error information (as far as it is available) in the body:

  • validationError
    • (for every erronous property): [property]; or, if the entire entity is erroneous (e.g. null): . (a single dot)
      • constraintClassName: Joi error.details.type
      • messageTemplate: Same as constraintClassName
      • invalidValue: Joi error.details.context.value
      • attributes: Joi error.details.context without value

Other errors

A non-validation error returns with HTTP 400 BAD REQUEST and the following error information (as far as it is available) in the body:

  • error
    • exception: error.code
    • detailMessage: error.message

Because in a real-world production environment, exposing details of an exception may be a security issue, you can suppress this user-friendly exception detail output by setting the options.returnExceptionBody boolean flag to false when initializing hapi-bookshelf-crud.

Server API

Module import

require('hapi-bookshelf-crud')(server, options)

Sets the reference to the Hapi server provided and returns the initialized hapi-bookshelf-crud instance.


  • server: Object. Required. The Hapi server instance.
  • options: Map. Optional. A map with hapi-bookshelf-crud initial settings. Supported options are:
    • returnExceptionBody: Disables user-friendly exception output if set to false. Defaults to true.
    • allowDeleteAll: Disables "DELETE ALL" service endpoint if set to false. Defaults to true.
    • allowFilters: Disables filter by query parameter functionality if set to false. Defaults to true.
    • allowCount: Disables "GET COUNT" service endpoint if set to false. Defaults to true.



Registers CRUD REST service endpoints according to the specification (see above) on the server for the config provided. It internally uses instance.route to register each CRUD operation on the server.


  • config: the CRUD configuration
    • bookshelfModel: Object. Required. Reference to the bookshelf model (e.g. created with bookshelf.Model.extend({})) representing the entity the CRUD operations are invoked on.
    • basePath: String. Required. The REST endpoint's base path for all CRUD operations. This will be the REST endpoint for the "find all" operation; other operations may add an identifier: basePath + '/{id}'. Must not start nor end with /.
    • baseQuery: Map. Optional. A map containing additional parameters for every find query. The basic query parameter {'id': request.params.id} is always applied to the "find by id" query and cannot be changed. This option is used to resolve additional parameters for a nested resource.



Registers a REST service endpoint on the server for the config provided. Registration includes model cleanup, validation and error handling according to the specification (see above). You wouldn't normally call this function to register an individual REST endpoint, but instance.crud to register all REST endpoints necessary to set up full CRUD. However, you can use this function to register additional REST endpoints with all the automated model handling in place. This really is a wrapper for server.route of the Hapi server.


  • config: the REST endpoint configuration
    • method: As in Hapi server.route.
    • path: As in Hapi server.route.
    • handler: Function(Hapi.Request, Hapi.Reply) -> Promise. The request / response handler function, as in Hapi server.route. Note that before the handler is invoked, model cleanup and validation is processed; afterwards, validation error handling and error handling are processed.
    • bookshelfModel: As in instance.crud.
    • basePath: As in instance.crud.
    • baseQuery: As in instance.crud.
    • validate: Boolean. Optional. true to process model validation on the request payload. Defaults to true.
    • beforeValidate: Function(Hapi.Request) -> Void. Optional. The function to be invoked on the Hapi request before the model validation. Note that this function is called regardless of whether validate is set to true or false.
    • isAllowed: Boolean. Optional. If set to false doesn't do anything but return HTTP 403 FORBIDDEN immediately. Defaults to true.



Returns a simple object used as a "marker" in a Bookshelf.js model's schema map to mark relationships which should be emptied before saving the model.

Model API

hapi-bookshelf-crud works with Bookshelf.js models (as created with bookshelf.Model.extend({})), and uses additional properties on the model to control behavior:

  • tableName: As in Bookshelf.js bookshelf.Model.tableName
  • schema: Map. Optional. Contains key / value pairs which are used as the schema to validate the entity using Joi as in Joi.validate(entity, Joi.object().keys(schema), {abortEarly: false, allowUnknown: true}, function(err, value) {...}). The schema uses model property names as keys and Joi objects as values. Additionally, it supports some special behavior for properties whose value is one of the following:
    • Joi.number(): Additionally to the normal Joi validation functionality, during model cleanup, empty numbers are replaced with 0.
    • Joi.date().format(String): Additionally to the normal Joi validation functionality, during model cleanup, dates are initialized as JavaScript Date objects; and when returning an object, the format is used to format the outcome JSON (rather than using the plain SQL date format).
    • hapiCrud.empty() marks this property as a link to a relation which should be emptied before saving the model to the DB. This is necessary because Bookshelf.js support for cascade save is faulty and actually doesn't make sense in a strict REST architecture, as a sub-model would really be addressed by another (nested) REST endpoint. Hence, define all property relations in the schema as hapiCrud.empty().

Also, hapi-bookshelf-crud automatically converts snake_casing of table columns on the SQL side to camelCasing on the model side and vice versa; hence, use camelCasing for model and schema property keys.

This functionality requires initialization of the model during hapiCrud.crud(config).

Project status and future plans

This npm package is currently experimental and clearly in a very early stage. It may still already be useful for evaluation or prototyping purposes.

This is a private project I’ve started for my own pleasure and usage and to learn more about building REST APIs with Node.js, and I have no plans for (commercial) support. I may or may not continue to work on this project in the near future.

If you think this project is interesting, and you have knowledge in Node.js / Hapi / Bookshelf.js / Joi and would like to contribute, I encourage you to do so by opening an issue and / or making a pull request.

Please visit the accompanying blog post to learn more about the motivation behind this project.

Version history

  • V. 0.2
    • REST endpoints fixed / cleaned up / enhanced: Support for DELETE ALL, COUNT, query parameter filters added.
    • Miscellaneous fixes / enhancements.
  • V. 0.1
    • First release

8 years ago


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8 years ago