1.1.0 • Published 8 years ago

hapi-health-check v1.1.0

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Last release
8 years ago

= hapi-health-check

A https://github.com/hapijs/hapi[hapi] plugin used to add a health check to a server.

Internally it is using the library https://github.com/atomantic/hapi-and-healthy[hapi-and-healthy].

== Requirements

  • nodejs >= 4
  • npm >= 2

== Install


.Add the dependency to your package.json

npm install hapi-health-check --save

== Usage === Importing the lib


.Require the lib if using ES5

var hapiHealthCheck = require('hapi-health-check');


.Import the module if using ES6

import hapiHealthCheck from 'hapi-health-check'

=== Using the lib


.Register the plugin in your Hapi server (ES6 syntax)

import hapiHealthcheck from 'hapi-health-check'

Server.register({ register: hapiHealthcheck, // options are explained below. Options are not mandatory. Default values are the one used in this snippet. options: { path: '/status', health_checks: {}, custom_health_checks: [], feature_health_checks: {}, custom_feature_health_checks: [], } }, (err) => { // handle error



.Use built-in healthchecks

Server.register({ register: hapiHealthcheck, options: { path: '/status', // you can choose among all these built-in health checks health_checks: { type: 'postgres', options: { url: 'POSTGRES_URL', ssl: false // default value }, { type: 'redis', options: { url: 'REDIS_URL' }, { type: 's3', options: { access_key_id: 'ACCESS_KEY_ID', secret_access_key: 'SECRET_ACCESS_KEY' }, { type: 'nats', options: { url: 'NATS_URL' } }


Other options are the following :

  • custom_health_checks : an array of functions doing custom health checks.
  • feature_health_checks : same type of array as health_checks but if one of theses checks fail, the plugin will not return a failure but a warning.
  • custom_feature_health_checks : an array of functions doing custom health checks. If one of theses health checks fails, the plugin will not return a failure but a warning.

For others use cases, you can look at the tests in the test directory.

== Run tests

To run the tests, you must define some environment variables to execute the tests (or put them in a .env file at the root of this project):

  • DATABASE_URL : url the Postgres database
  • REDIS_URL : url of Redis
  • NATS_URL : url of nats
  • ACCESS_KEY_ID : access key to Amazon S3
  • SECRET_ACCESS_KEY : secret access key to amazon S3


.Execute the tests

npm test

== Licence