0.1.0 • Published 12 years ago

haproxy-stat v0.1.0

Weekly downloads
Last release
12 years ago

Simplify getting info and stats from a local haproxy stat file socket.

build status


npm install haproxy-stat

Module Usage

var haproxystat = require('haproxy-stat');
var hastat = haproxystat({ socketPath: '/tmp/haproxy.sock' });

Show Info

Get basic info from HAProxy.

hastat.showInfo(function (err, data) {

data is an object with the following properties:

	name: 'HAProxy',
	version: '1.4.18',
	release_data: '2011/09/16',
	nbproc: '1',
	process_num: '1',
	pid: '30984',
	uptime: '0d 2h01m42s',
	uptime_sec: '7302',
	mem_max_mb: '0',
	ulimit_n: '8210',
	max_sock: '8210',
	max_conn: '4096',
	max_pipes: '0',
	current_conns: '2',
	pipes_used: '0',
	pipes_free: '0',
	tasks: '5',
	run_queue: '1',
	node: 'haproxyserver-0',
	development: '' 

Show Stats

Get data from HAProxy stats via show stats command. Detailed date described here.

hastat.showStat(function (err, data) {

data is an array of objects like the following:

	  	pxname: 'ldap',
	    svname: 'FRONTEND',
	    qcur: '',
	    qmax: '',
	    scur: '0',
	    smax: '0',
	    slim: '2000',
	    stot: '0',
	    bin: '0',
	    bout: '0',
	    dreq: '0',
	    dresp: '0',
	    ereq: '0',
	    econ: '',
	    eresp: '',
	    wretr: '',
	    wredis: '',
	    status: 'OPEN',
	    weight: '',
	    act: '',
	    bck: '',
	    chkfail: '',
	    chkdown: '',
	    lastchg: '',
	    downtime: '',
	    qlimit: '',
	    pid: '1',
	    iid: '2',
	    sid: '0',
	    throttle: '',
	    lbtot: '',
	    tracked: '',
	    type: 'frontend',
	    rate: '0',
	    rate_lim: '0',
	    rate_max: '0',
	    check_status: { 
	    	code: '', 
	    	description: '' 
	    check_code: '',
	    check_duration: '',
	    hrsp_1xx: '',
	    hrsp_2xx: '',
	    hrsp_3xx: '',
	    hrsp_4xx: '',
	    hrsp_5xx: '',
	    hrsp_other: '',
	    hanafail: '',
	    req_rate: '0',
	    req_rate_max: '0',
	    req_tot: '0',
	    cli_abrt: '',
	    srv_abrt: '' 
	  	pxname: 'agent',
	    svname: 'agent_10.10.2.125:8080',
	    qcur: '0',
	    qmax: '0',
	    scur: '0',
	    smax: '0',
	    slim: '',
	    stot: '0',
	    bin: '0',
	    bout: '0',
	    dreq: '',
	    dresp: '0',
	    ereq: '',
	    econ: '0',
	    eresp: '0',
	    wretr: '0',
	    wredis: '0',
	    status: 'UP',
	    weight: '1',
	    act: '1',
	    bck: '0',
	    chkfail: '0',
	    chkdown: '0',
	    lastchg: '99',
	    downtime: '0',
	    qlimit: '',
	    pid: '1',
	    iid: '5',
	    sid: '2',
	    throttle: '',
	    lbtot: '0',
	    tracked: '',
	    type: 'server',
	    rate: '0',
	    rate_lim: '',
	    rate_max: '0',
	    check_status: { 
	    	code: 'L4OK',
	    	description: 'check passed on layer 4, no upper layers testing enabled' 
	    check_code: '',
	    check_duration: '0',
	    hrsp_1xx: '0',
	    hrsp_2xx: '0',
	    hrsp_3xx: '0',
	    hrsp_4xx: '0',
	    hrsp_5xx: '0',
	    hrsp_other: '0',
	    hanafail: '0',
	    req_rate: '',
	    req_rate_max: '',
	    req_tot: '',
	    cli_abrt: '0',
	    srv_abrt: '0' 

{ pxname: 'agent', svname: 'BACKEND', qcur: '0', qmax: '0', scur: '0', smax: '0', slim: '0', stot: '0', bin: '0', bout: '0', dreq: '0', dresp: '0', ereq: '', econ: '0', eresp: '0', wretr: '0', wredis: '0', status: 'UP', weight: '2', act: '2', bck: '0', chkfail: '', chkdown: '0', lastchg: '99', downtime: '0', qlimit: '', pid: '1', iid: '5', sid: '0', throttle: '', lbtot: '0', tracked: '', type: 'backend', rate: '0', rate_lim: '', rate_max: '0', check_status: { code: '', description: '' }, check_code: '', check_duration: '', hrsp_1xx: '0', hrsp_2xx: '0', hrsp_3xx: '0', hrsp_4xx: '0', hrsp_5xx: '0', hrsp_other: '0', hanafail: '', req_rate: '', req_rate_max: '', req_tot: '', cli_abrt: '0', srv_abrt: '0' } ]

var longDescrption = hastat.statDescription(property);


var longDescrption = hastat.statDescription('rate');

results in:

number of sessions per second over last elapsed second



or if installed globally:

npm install -g haproxy-stat


Usage:  node cli  <command> <socket_path> 
	command      ->   showInfo, showStat 
	socket_path  ->  /tmp/haproxy.sock (for example)