1.2.5 • Published 2 years ago

hardhat-openzeppelin-defender v1.2.5

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Last release
2 years ago



plugin created with the purpose of efficiently integrating openzeppelin defender modules with hardhat


yarn add --dev hardhat-openzeppelin-defender


npm install --save hardhat-openzeppelin-defender

Import the plugin in your hardhat.config.js:


Or if you are using TypeScript, in your hardhat.config.ts:

import "hardhat-openzeppelin-defender";


put the administration credentials of your openzeppelin defender OpenzeppelinDefenderCredential

module.exports = {
  OpenzeppelinDefenderCredential: {
    apiKey: API_KEY,
    apiSecret: API_SECRETE,

Environment extensions

This plugin extends the Hardhat Runtime Environment by adding an OpenzeppelinDefender which contains all the modules of openzepelin defender

import { OpenzeppelinDefender } from "hardhat";


main samples repository



check and get the name of the network by its chainId

  OpenzeppelinDefender.Utils.fromChainId(97) // bsctest


extract the abi in string format from the contract interface



extracts the parameters of a function or event by using its abiInterface

abiInterface : smart contract interface

name : name of the event or function to which the parameters will be extracted

type : specifies whether the extraction of parameters will be from a function or an event

interface AbiInterfaceParams {
  abiInterface: Interface;
  name: string;
  type: "function" | "event";


interface AbiInterfaceParamsResponse {
  name: string;
  signature: eventSignature | functionSignature;
  inputs: any[];
  fragment: string;


get the AbiInterfaceParams from the Transfer event of an ERC721 token

const params= {
  abiInterface: abiInterface,
  name: "Transfer",
  type: "event",
const result = OpenzeppelinDefender.Utils.getAbiInterfaceParams(params);


  name: 'Transfer',
  signature: { eventSignature: 'Transfer(address,address,uint256)' },
  inputs: [
    { name: 'from', type: 'address' },
    { name: 'to', type: 'address' },
    { name: 'tokenId', type: 'uint256' }
  fragment: 'Transfer(address,address,uint256)'


Example 1

MyToken smart contract deployment and add to openzeppelin admin module

import { ethers,OpenzeppelinDefender } from "hardhat";

async function main() {
  const contractName='MyToken'
  const {chainId}=await ethers.provider.getNetwork()
  const Contract = await ethers.getContractFactory(contractName);
  const contract = await Contract.deploy();
  const {interface:abi,address}=await contract.deployed();
  //get the abi in json string using the contract interface
  const AbiJsonString= OpenzeppelinDefender.Utils.AbiJsonString(abi)
  //Obtaining the name of the network through the chainId of the network
  const networkName = await OpenzeppelinDefender.Utils.fromChainId(chainId);

  //add the contract to the admin
  const option={
    network:networkName ,
    address: address,
    name: contractName,
  await OpenzeppelinDefender.AdminClient.addContract(option);

Example 2

Add MyToken to module admin and create a proposal

import { ethers, OpenzeppelinDefender } from "hardhat";

async function main() {

  const contractName = "MyToken";
  const {chainId}=await ethers.provider.getNetwork()
  const [owner] = await ethers.getSigners();
  const Contract = await ethers.getContractFactory(contractName);
  const contract = await Contract.deploy();
  const { interface: abi, address} = await contract.deployed();
  //obtaining the parameters of an event or function through the contract interface
  const params= {
    abiInterface: abi,
    name: "Transfer",
    type: "event",
  const {inputs,name} =OpenzeppelinDefender.Utils.getAbiInterfaceParams(params);
  //adding a new contract to the admin and creating a proposal
  const option= {
    contract: {
      network: await OpenzeppelinDefender.Utils.fromChainId(chainId),
      address: address,
      abi: abi.format(ethers.utils.FormatTypes.json)
    title: "Mint token",
    description: "minter 10 new tokens",
    type: "custom", 
    functionInterface: {
      name: name,
      inputs: inputs,
    functionInputs: [owner.address,"100000000000000000000"],
    via: owner.address,
  await OpenzeppelinDefender.AdminClient.createProposal(option);

to know more methods of the AdminClient


Example 1

Creation of a relay and use of its address so that it assumes the MINTER_ROLE in the MyNft contract

import { ethers, OpenzeppelinDefender } from "hardhat";

async function main() {
  const contractName = "MyNFT";

  const {chainId}=await ethers.provider.getNetwork()

	//relay creation
  const RelayParams={
    network: await OpenzeppelinDefender.Utils.fromChainId(chainId),
    minBalance: BigInt(1e18).toString(),

  const {address:addressRelay}=await OpenzeppelinDefender.RelayClient.create(RelayParams);

  const Contract = await ethers.getContractFactory(contractName);

  //pass its address as a parameter so that it assumes MINTER_ROLE
  const contract = await Contract.deploy(addressRelay);
  const { interface: abi, address} =await contract.deployed();
  //add the contract to the admin	
  const option={
    network:await OpenzeppelinDefender.Utils.fromChainId(chainId),
    address: address,
    name: contractName,
    abi: abi.format(ethers.utils.FormatTypes.json)
  await OpenzeppelinDefender.AdminClient.addContract(option);

to know more methods of the RelayClient


Example 1

creating an autoTask

import {OpenzeppelinDefender} from "hardhat";

async function main() {

  const autoTaskOptions= {
    name: "exampleAutoTask",
    encodedZippedCode: await OpenzeppelinDefender.AutoTaskClint.getEncodedZippedCodeFromFolder("./openzeppelinDefender/autoTasks/exampleAutoTask"),
    trigger: {
      type: "webhook",
    paused: false,
  await OpenzeppelinDefender.AutoTaskClint.create(autoTaskOptions);

to know more methods of the AutoTaskClint


Example 1

Creating a sentinel, to track all Transfer events of the Mytoken smart contract and assigning an autoTaskTrigger via its autoTaskId to the sentinel

import { ethers, OpenzeppelinDefender } from "hardhat";

async function main() {

  const contractName = "MyToken";

  const { chainId } = await ethers.provider.getNetwork();

  //deployment of the smart contract MyToken
  const Contract = await ethers.getContractFactory(contractName);
  const contract = await Contract.deploy();
  const { interface: abi, address, provider } = await contract.deployed();

  //getting the eventSignature from the Transfer event		
  const params= {
    abiInterface: abi,
    name: "Transfer",
    type: "event",
  const {signature} =OpenzeppelinDefender.Utils.getAbiInterfaceParams(params);
  //Obtaining the name of the network through the chainId of the network
  const networkName = await OpenzeppelinDefender.Utils.fromChainId(chainId);
  //get the abi in json string using the contract interface
  const abiJsonString=OpenzeppelinDefender.Utils.AbiJsonString(abi);
  //add the contract to the admin
  const addContractOptions= {
    network: networkName,
    address: address,
    name: contractName,
    abi: abiJsonString,
  await OpenzeppelinDefender.AdminClient.addContract(addContractOptions);
  //creating an autoTask
  const autoTaskOptions= {
    name: "exampleAutoTask",
    encodedZippedCode: await OpenzeppelinDefender.AutoTaskClint.getEncodedZippedCodeFromFolder("./openzeppelinDefender/autoTasks/exampleAutoTask"),
    trigger: {
     type: "webhook",
    paused: false,
  const { autotaskId } = await OpenzeppelinDefender.AutoTaskClint.create(autoTaskOptions);
  //creating a sentinel and assigning an autoTaskTrigger via its autoTaskId
  const sentinelOptions= {
    type: "BLOCK",
    network: networkName,
    confirmLevel: 12,
    name: "Sentinel",
    addresses: [address],
    abi: abiJsonString,
    paused: false,
    eventConditions: [signature],
    autotaskTrigger: autotaskId,
    notificationChannels: [""],

  await OpenzeppelinDefender.SentinelClient.create(sentinelOptions);	

to know more methods of the AutoTaskClint