1.4.1 • Published 7 years ago

harvey-specter-quotes v1.4.1

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7 years ago

Harvey Specter quotes

A JavaScript micro-library to get quotes of Harvey Specter, from the series Suits.

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console.log('Harvey says...');
harveyQuotes.random(); // "I don’t play the odds, I play the man."
harveyQuotes.random(); // "Don't go to trial."
harveyQuotes.random(); // "Life is like this__ . I like this ^-."

Who doesn't love a good Harvey Specter reply?

harvey-specter-quotes is a micro-library that can be used to generate quotes from Suits Series, spoken by Harvey. This package is an attempt to document the wisdom that is given to all, by the makers of Suits.

Harvey Specter, is a cocky lawyer at a top New York Law Firm. Known as the 'best closer' in the city, he is one hell of a lawyer. He has built his career and life around one thing: winning. The Internet features his quotes in discussions, blogposts, posters, and even in memes. Inspired by those, this library aims to record his quotes from the Show.

Table of Contents


The following are pre-requisites to run :


Inside your project, run:

$ npm install harvey-specter-quotes

This is project is distributed via npm only


You can load the node module dependency into your code with a require call:

var harveyQuotes = require('harvey-specter-quotes');


var harveyQuotes = require('harvey-specter-quotes');

var allQuotes = harveyQuotes.all;
var randomQuote = harveyQuotes.random();
var anotherRandomQuote = harveyQuotes.random();

console.log('Harvey replied,', randomQuote);


The harvey-specter-quotes object has the following methods and attributes:


Returns all available quotes as an array.


Function that returns a random quote from the collection of quote, that is never same as the previous call.

var randomQuote = harveyQuotes.random();
var anotherRandomQuote = harveyQuotes.random();

// randomQuote !== anotherRandomQuote
// At all times

count - type:number (optional)

When passed in an optional number as argument, API returns an array of quotes from the collection matching length of the argument specified.

var moreQuotes = harveyQuotes.random(4);
>> [ 'The better you dress, the worse you can behave.',
     'Life is a game. Play to win.',
     'Work until you no longer have to inroduce yourself',
     'Win a no win situation by rewriting the rules.' ]

Missing Something?

Do have some more cool ideas for this project? Maybe you found some bugs? or few typos? Can't scratch off the itch to make this even more awesome?

Guess what, I have been looking for you! :tada: Open an issue or submit a pull!

How Can I Help ?

  • Add Documentation - in form of comments & docs(for example, a CONTRIBUTING.md)
  • Come up with features to improve the project
  • Find Broken things and open issues
  • Enlighten me with better coding patterns and structures


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :D


Thanks to @kentcdodds to have helped me get started with my first-ever Open Source library. Checkout his blogpost and course here.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.
Arjith Natarajan © 2018


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7 years ago