1.0.2 • Published 7 years ago

hash-miner v1.0.2

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7 years ago


A library to mine for a hash (SHA-256) with a given difficulty


npm install --save hash-miner

General Usage:

const { mine } = require('hash-miner');
const data = mine({ foo: 'bar' }, 16);
		hash: '00008bda8cbf4538a...', // the hex representation of the hash.
		binary_string: '000000000000000010001...', // the raw binary data as a string
		nonce: 678732, // the nonce used to get the correct difficulty
		data: { foo: 'bar' }, // the data hashed
		time_ms: 20263, // how long the mining took in miliseconds
		difficulty: 16, // the required difficulty (number of 0s)
		data_type: 'object' // the type of the data that was mined

How difficulty works:

A hash is valid when it's binary representation contains a certain number of 0s at the begining. So the hex 04a3 represented in binary is 0000010010100011. The difficulty calculated in this hex is 5, and if the target difficulty isn't 5, another hash will be generated with a new nonce until the correct difficulty is reached.