1.0.2 • Published 7 years ago
hash-miner v1.0.2
A library to mine for a hash (SHA-256) with a given difficulty
npm install --save hash-miner
General Usage:
const { mine } = require('hash-miner');
const data = mine({ foo: 'bar' }, 16);
hash: '00008bda8cbf4538a...', // the hex representation of the hash.
binary_string: '000000000000000010001...', // the raw binary data as a string
nonce: 678732, // the nonce used to get the correct difficulty
data: { foo: 'bar' }, // the data hashed
time_ms: 20263, // how long the mining took in miliseconds
difficulty: 16, // the required difficulty (number of 0s)
data_type: 'object' // the type of the data that was mined
How difficulty works:
A hash is valid when it's binary representation contains a certain number of 0s at the begining. So the hex 04a3
represented in binary is 0000010010100011
. The difficulty calculated in this hex is 5, and if the target difficulty isn't 5, another hash will be generated with a new nonce until the correct difficulty is reached.