0.0.1 • Published 7 years ago
hash-ninja v0.0.1
Quick methods for creating hashes using the native Node crypto module.
Quick Start
const hasher = require('hash-ninja');
const quickHash = hasher(`some-value-to-hash`); // By default, uses SHA512 and 'hex' output.
const advancedHash = hasher(`some-value-to-hash`, `sha1`, `utf8`); // Specify a specific algorithm and 'hex' digest encoding.
const hexOutput = hasher.sha256(`some-value-to-hash`); // Quick helper methods for specific algorithms, defaults to 'hex' digest encoding.
const base64Output = hasher.md5(`some-value-to-hash`, `base64`); // Use any Node digest encoding.
Useful methods
hasher.sha512(payload, digestEncoding);
Output an SHA512 hash of the given payload, with optional digest encoding (defaults to 'hex').
hasher.sha256(payload, digestEncoding);
Output an SHA256 hash of the given payload, with optional digest encoding (defaults to 'hex').
hasher.sha1(payload, digestEncoding);
Output an SHA1 hash of the given payload, with optional digest encoding (defaults to 'hex').
hasher.md5(payload, digestEncoding);
Output an MD5 hash of the given payload, with optional digest encoding (defaults to 'hex').
Full API
hasher(payload[, algorithm, digestEncoding]);
Output a hash of the given payload, with the algorithm and digest encoding optionally specified (defaults to 'sha512' and 'hex' respectively).
7 years ago