0.1.2 • Published 5 years ago

hashnode v0.1.2

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Last release
5 years ago


Unofficial Hashnode API


$ npm i hashnode

Platform support

At the moment, only NodeJS is supported, however browser support is technically possible. Webpack and Browserify are supported. If you build for the browser, please provide superagent on the global variable window.SA.


In order to use this package, you will need to call a method on one of the below API interfaces. They return an interface, which is defined further down, below Types.


Please take a look at the examples in /example.

* Get the newst post from the recent feed

// Create new API object and set the domain and namespace path
const hn = new (require('hashnode').Hashnode)('https://hashnode.com', '/ajax');

// You may add a proxy
hn.setProxy(new URL('http://localhost:3128'));

// Then query the API by using high-level convenience methods
(async () => {
    // Get a feed iterator
    const feed = hn.feed.getRecentFeed();
    // Get the first post
    const mostRecentPost = await feed.next();
    // Output the post title


The usage is fairly simple and here is the API:

Entry: Hashnode

class Hashnode {
    baseURL: URL;
    readonly feed: Feed;
    readonly post: Post;
    readonly user: User;
    constructor(domain: string, path?: string);
    setProxy(proxyAddr: URL | undefined): void;


class Feed {
    protected baseURL: URL;
    proxy: URL | undefined;
    constructor(apiURL: URL);
    private _getFeed;
    getFeaturedFeed(): AsyncIterableIterator<IPost>;
    getHotFeed(): AsyncIterableIterator<IPost>;
    getRecentFeed(): AsyncIterableIterator<IPost>;
    getStoriesFeed(): AsyncIterableIterator<IPost>;
    getTrendingStoriesFeed(): AsyncIterableIterator<IPost>;


class Post {
    protected baseURL: URL;
    proxy: URL | undefined;
    constructor(apiURL: URL);
    getAnswer(id: TCUID): void;
    getComment(id: TCUID): void;
    getPost(id: TCUID): Promise<IPost>;
    static processPost(rawPost: IRawPost): IPost;


interface IGetUserOptions {
    limit?: number | undefined;
    sinceDate?: '7d' | '30d' | '' | undefined;
    sortBy: 'evangelists' | 'helpful' | 'newUsers';

class User {
    protected basePath: string;
    protected baseURL: URL;
    proxy: URL | undefined;
    constructor(apiURL: URL);
    getProfile(username: TUserName): Promise<IProfile>;
    getProfiles(options: IGetUserOptions): Promise<IProfile[]>;
    getStories(username: TUserName): Promise<IPost[]>;
    static processUserProfile(rawProfile: IRawUserProfile): IProfile;


In addition to the above API interfaces, this package also provides you with hand-crafted type interfaces. All raw API responses are transformed to match these type interfaces for your convenience.

export declare type TAPIURL = URL | undefined;
export declare type TBadgeID = TUID;
export declare type TCommunityID = TUID;
export declare type TCUID = TUID;
export declare type TPollOptionID = TUID;
export declare type TPostID = TUID;
export declare type TRole = 'superuser';
export declare type TTagID = TUID;
export declare type TUID = string;
export declare type TUserID = TUID;
export declare type TUserName = string;
export declare enum EPostType {
    NEWS = "link",
    QUESTION = "question",
    STORY = "story"
export interface IAppreciationCountObject {
    _id: TUID;
    badge: IBadgeObject;
    count: number;
export interface IAwardBadgeObject {
    badge: IBadgeObject;
    period: Array<number>;
export interface IBadgeObject {
    __v: 0;
    _id: TBadgeID;
    displayName: string;
    image: URL;
    name: string;
    type: string;
export interface IComment {
export interface ICommunity {
    _id: TCommunityID;
    id: TCommunityID;
    isActive: boolean;
    isApproved: boolean;
    logo: URL;
    name: string;
    slug: string;
export interface IPollOption {
    _id: TPollOptionID;
    index: number;
    option: string;
    votes: number;
export interface IPost {
    __v: number;
    _id: TPostID;
    answeredByTarget: boolean;
    author: IProfile;
    bookmarkedIn: any[];
    brief: string;
    content: string;
    contentMarkdown: string;
    contributors: ({
        user: IProfile;
    coverImage: TAPIURL;
    cuid: TCUID;
    dateAdded: Date;
    dateUpdated: Date;
    downvotes: number;
    duplicatePosts: TPostID[];
    followers: TUserID[];
    followersCount: number;
    hasPolls: boolean;
    hasReward: boolean;
    id: TPostID;
    indexVotedByCurrentUser: number;
    isActive: boolean;
    isAnonymous: boolean;
    isDelisted: boolean;
    isEngaging: boolean;
    isFeatured: boolean;
    isOriginal: boolean;
    isPublication: boolean;
    labelsByNodes: {
        labels: any[];
    numCollapsed: number;
    originalUrl: TAPIURL;
    pollOptions: IPollOption[];
    publication: IPublication;
    questionReplies: TPostID[];
    reactions: string[];
    reactionsByCurrentUser: string[];
    reactionToCountMap: Map<string, number>;
    responseCount: number;
    responses: IComment[];
    reward: IReward;
    slug: string;
    tags: ITag[];
    title: string;
    totalReactions: number;
    totalPollVotes: number;
    type: EPostType;
    untaggedFrom: TCommunityID[];
    upvotes: number;
    url: string;
    views: number;
export interface IPublication {
    name: string;
    slug: string;
export interface IRawPost {
    __v: number;
    _id: TPostID;
    answeredByTarget: boolean;
    author: IRawUserProfile;
    bookmarkedIn: any[];
    brief: string;
    content: string;
    contentMarkdown: string;
    contributors: ({
        user: IProfile;
    coverImage: string;
    cuid: TCUID;
    dateAdded: string;
    dateUpdated: string;
    downvotes: number;
    duplicatePosts: TPostID[];
    followers: TUserID[];
    followersCount: number;
    hasPolls: boolean;
    hasReward: boolean;
    id: TPostID;
    indexVotedByCurrentUser: number;
    isActive: boolean;
    isAnonymous: boolean;
    isDelisted: boolean;
    isEngaging: boolean;
    isFeatured: boolean;
    isOriginal: boolean;
    isPublication: boolean;
    labelsByNodes: {
        labels: any[];
    numCollapsed: number;
    originalUrl: string;
    pollOptions: IPollOption[];
    publication: IPublication;
    questionReplies: TPostID[];
    reactions: string[];
    reactionsByCurrentUser: string[];
    reactionToCountMap: any | undefined;
    responseCount: number;
    responses: IComment[];
    reward: IReward;
    slug: string;
    tags: ITag[];
    title: string;
    totalReactions: number;
    totalPollVotes: number;
    type: EPostType;
    untaggedFrom: TCommunityID[];
    upvotes: number;
    url: string;
    views: number;
export interface IRawUserProfile {
    _id: TUserID;
    appliedForOriginals: boolean;
    appreciations: IAppreciationCountObject[];
    availableFor: string;
    badgesAwarded: IAwardBadgeObject[];
    beingFollowed: boolean;
    bio: string;
    bioMarkdown: string;
    coverImage: string;
    dateJoined: string;
    directQuestionsCount: number;
    email: string | undefined;
    featuredPosts: any[];
    focus: ICommunity[];
    followsBack: boolean;
    id: TUserID;
    isBanned: boolean;
    isDeactivated: boolean;
    isEvangelist: boolean;
    location: string;
    managerOf: ICommunity[];
    name: string;
    numFollowers: number;
    numFollowing: number;
    photo: string;
    role: TRole | undefined;
    showEmailOnProfile: boolean;
    socialMedia: {
        facebook: string;
        github: string;
        google: string;
        linkedin: string;
        stackoverflow: string;
        twitter: string;
        website: string;
    storiesCreated: Array<TUID>;
    tagline: string;
    totalAppreciationBadges: number;
    totalUpvotesReceived: number;
    username: TUserName;
export interface IReward {
    type: string;
export interface ITag {
    _id: TTagID;
    name: string;
    slug: string;
    id: TTagID;
    isApproved: boolean;
    logo: URL | undefined;
    isActive: boolean;
    numPosts: number;
    mergedWith: ITag | null;
export interface IProfile {
    _id: TUserID;
    appliedForOriginals: boolean;
    appreciations: Array<IAppreciationCountObject>;
    availableFor: string;
    badgesAwarded: Array<IAwardBadgeObject>;
    beingFollowed: boolean;
    bio: string;
    bioMarkdown: string;
    coverImage: TAPIURL;
    dateJoined: Date;
    directQuestionsCount: number;
    email: string | undefined;
    featuredPosts: Array<void>;
    focus: Array<ICommunity>;
    followsBack: boolean;
    id: TUserID;
    isBanned: boolean;
    isDeactivated: boolean;
    isEvangelist: boolean;
    location: string;
    managerOf: Array<ICommunity>;
    name: string;
    numFollowers: number;
    numFollowing: number;
    photo: TAPIURL;
    role: TRole | undefined;
    showEmailOnProfile: boolean;
    socialMedia: {
        facebook: URL | undefined;
        github: undefined;
        google: URL | undefined;
        linkedin: URL | undefined;
        stackoverflow: URL | undefined;
        twitter: URL | undefined;
        website: URL | undefined;
    storiesCreated: Array<TUID>;
    tagline: string;
    totalAppreciationBadges: number;
    totalUpvotesReceived: number;
    username: TUserName;

5 years ago


5 years ago


5 years ago