2.5.0 • Published 5 years ago

hat-automation-tool v2.5.0

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Last release
5 years ago


A platform independent debuggable BDD Javascript testing framework. It's simple, easy to use and not dependant to any other tool or library. It's built with nodeJs, webdriver.io (Next-gen WebDriver for Node.js) and cucumber-js complete with integrated API Testing.


npm install

# To run your test locally, you'll need a local selenium server running, you can install and
# launch a selenium standalone server with chrome, firefox and phantomjs drivers via the 
# following commands in a separate terminal:

yarn global add selenium-standalone@latest
selenium-standalone install && selenium-standalone start


# run 'yarn install' in a terminal window from within the project folder
node index.js -dt @inciteLogin // locally
yarn run bslocal chrome/@inciteLogin  // via browserstack


-h, --help                   output usage information
-v, --version                output the version number
-s, --steps <path>           path to step definitions. defaults to ./step-definitions
-p, --pageObjects <path>     path to page objects. defaults to ./page-objects
-o, --sharedObjects [paths]  path to shared objects - repeatable. defaults to ./shared-objects
-b, --browser <path>         name of browser to use. defaults to chrome
-r, --reports <path>         output path to save reports. defaults to ./reports
-d, --disableTestReport [optional]  disables the test report from opening after test completion
-t, --tags <tagName>         name of tag to run
-c, --context <path>        contextual root path for project-specific features, steps, objects etc
-f, --featuresPath <path>   path to feature definitions. defaults to ./features
-e, --email [optional]      sends email reports to stakeholders
-n, --environment [<path>]  name of environment to run the framework/test in. default to dev
-g, --reportName [optional] basename for report files e.g. use report for report.json
-x, --extraSettings [optional]  further piped configs split with pipes
-w, --remoteService [optional]  which remote driver service, if any, should be used e.g. browserstack

By default tests are run using Google Chrome, to run tests using another browser supply the name of that browser along with the -b switch. Available options are:

Chrome-b chrome
Firefox-b firefox

The following variables are available within the Given(), When() and Then() functions:

driveran instance of web driver (the browser)
webdriveriothe raw webdriver module, providing access to static properties/methods
pagecollection of page objects loaded from disk and keyed by filename
sharedcollection of shared objects loaded from disk and keyed by filename
helpersa collection of helper methods things webdriver.io does not provide but really should!
expectinstance of chai expect to expect('something').to.equal('something')
assertinstance of chai assert to assert.isOk('everything', 'everything is ok')
tracehandy trace method to log console output with increased visibility
fsexposes fs (file system) for use globally
direxposes dir for getting an array of files, subdirectories or both
requestexposes the request-promise for API testinguse for making API calls
dateexposes the date method for logs and reports
logexposes the log method for output to files and emailing

Visual Regression functionality with Resemble JS

Visual regression testing, gives the ability to take and compare whole page screenshots or of specific parts of the application / page under test. If there are Elements in the page that contain dynamic contents (like a clock or something like tip of the day), you can hide this elements before taking the screenshot by passing the selector (or an array of selectors) to the saveScreenshot function.

// ./runtime/imageCompare.js

compareImage: async (fileName) => {
  const verify = require('./imageCompare');
  await verify.assertion(fileName);
  await verify.value();
  await verify.pass();

// usage within page-object file:
  await verify.saveScreenshot(fileName, elementsToHide);
  await helpers.compareImage(fileName);

API Testing functionality with request-promise

Getting data from a JSON REST API

// ./runtime/helpers.js
 apiCall: function (endpoint) {
    let endPoint = ('http://endpoint.com');
    let options = {
        method: 'GET',
        url: endPoint,
        json: true,
        simple: false,
        resolveWithFullResponse: true,
    return request(options)
    .then(async function (response, err) {
        if (err) {
           // API call failed
        // response = API call is successful


HTML and JSON reports are automatically generated and stored in the default ./reports folder. This location can be changed by providing a new path using the -r command line switch:

Event handlers

You can register event handlers for the following events within the cucumber lifecycle.

const {After, Before, AfterAll, BeforeAll} = require('cucumber');

BeforeBefore(function() { // This hook will be executed before all scenarios})
AfterAfter(function() {// This hook will be executed after all scenarios});
BeforeAllBeforeAll(function() {// perform some shared setup});
AfterAllAfterAll(function() {// perform some shared teardown});

How to debug

Most webdriverio methods return a JavaScript Promise that is resolved when the method completes. The easiest way to step in with a debugger is to add a .then method to a selenium function and place a debugger statement within it, for example:

  When(/^I search DuckDuckGo for "([^"]*)"$/, function (searchQuery, done) {
    driver.element('#search_form_input_homepage').then(function(input) {
      debugger; // <<- your IDE should step in at this point, with the browser open
      return input;
       input.setValue(selector, searchQuery);
       input.setValue(selector, 'Enter');

       done(); // <<- let cucumber know you're done