0.0.1 • Published 7 years ago

hathor-swagger v0.0.1

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7 years ago

Hathor Swagger

Provides Swagger API documentation for Hathor projects. Hathor Swagger is built on top of Hapi Swaggard and Hapi Swaggard UI, more details can be found in their documentation about marking up your routes.


npm install --save hathor-swagger


First, you need to load the Hathor Swagger plugin into your application. While you can configure in swagger support it's just as easy to add it to the plugins on the server:

const {Server} = require('hathor');
const Config = require('hathor-config');
const FileConfig = require('hathor-file-config');
const logger = require('hathor-logger');

const config = new Config();
config.merge(new FileConfig('config/config'));
config.set('server.logger', logger);

const serverConfig = config.get('server', {});
const server = new Server(serverConfig);


Then you need to decorate your routes with contract information:

const Joi = require('joi');

module.exports = {
  method: 'GET',
  path: '/api/hello',
  auth: true,
  config: {
    description: 'Basic hello route.',
    notes: 'Returns a greeting based on to passed in.',
    tags: ['api'],
    validate: {
      params: { // Stuff passed in the URI parameters

      query: { // Stuff passed in the query string
        to: Joi.string().optional().description('Who to greet')
      payload: { // What the payload looks like

    response: {
      status: { // What is sent back per statusCode
        200: Joi.string().description('Greeting') // On a 200 (OK) we send back a greeting string
        // If you had other response types, then you would list them here
  handler(req, reply){
    const to = req.query.to || 'World';
    return reply(`Hello ${to}!`);


Configuring the Swagger UI is done through your application configuration even if you include the plugin directly through your server code. Below is the default configuration shown as part of a full configuration object.

module.exports = {
  server: {
    swagger: {
      ui: {
        title: 'Example API',
        path: '/documentation',
        swaggerOptions: {}
      swagger: {
        info: {
          title: 'Example API',
          description: 'Powered by node, hathor, hapi, joi, hapi-swaggered, hapi-swaggered-ui and swagger-ui',
          version: '1.0'
    //...rest of your config here...