1.0.1 • Published 10 years ago

haze v1.0.1

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Last release
10 years ago


An in-memory document cache.


npm install haze


var haze = require('haze')


haze.eventEmitter.on("documentCreated", function (collectionName, doc) {})
haze.eventEmitter.on("documentUpdated", function (collectionName, doc) {})
haze.eventEmitter.on("documentDestroyed", function (collectionName, doc) {})

About Documents

Documents are objects with at least the following keys:

  • id, a string
  • version, a number

An id is a UUID (version 4) that is automatically set on document creation.

A version is a UNIX epoch timestamp with milliseconds precision. It represents when the document was most recently modified (or created when no modifications have been performed). version is set internally when a document is created, updated, or one of its values is incremented.


While a document's id is a "universally unique" value, documents are grouped into logical "collections". This reduces the search-space for various operations and is natural enough.


A document may refer to another document (even in another collection) via a "reference". A reference is a string value of the form:




Referenced documents may be "included" in "getDocument" and "queryCollection" operations. The value of the key holding the reference becomes the referenced document.

When including referenced documents, one may specify a "key path" instead of a single key. A key path is a dot/period (.) delimited, ordered list of keys to include.

Here is an example key path:


This would be processed as follows (pseudocode):

doc.A     = loadReference(doc.A)
doc.A.B   = loadReference(doc.A.B)
doc.A.B.C = loadReference(doc.A.B.C)

CRUD document operations


To create a document, use createDocument. Do not specify a id or version as these are generated.

  collection: "name",
  doc: { ... }

The return value is:

{ id: string, version: number }

On success, a "documentCreated" event is emitted.


To retrieve/get/fetch/load a document, use getDocument. Specify the collection name and the document id. Optionally specify the keys to treat as references via the include parameter.

var doc = haze.getDocument({
  collection: "name",
  id: "a UUID",
  include: [ "A", "B.C.D", "E" ]

If the document is not found, an error document is returned. The code 404 is a nod to HTTP which uses 404 to indicate "Not found".

{ error: "document not found", code: 404 }

If a referenced document is not found, the value will be set to null.


To update/put a document, use updateDocument. Specify the collection name and the document to be updated.

  collection: "name",
  doc: {
    id: "a UUID",
    version: number,

If the document is not found, an error document is returned. The code 404 is a nod to HTTP which uses 404 to indicate "Not found".

{ error: "document not found", code: 404 }

The id is used to find the document to update in the given collection. The version must match that of the stored document; one cannot update an outdated document.

If outdated, an error document is returned. The code 409 is a nod to HTTP which uses 409 to indicate a "Conflict".

{ error: "version mismatch", code: 409 }

If versions match, a new version is set on the inbound doc and the inbound doc replaces the stored doc entirely. In this case, the return value includes the new document version.

{ id: string, version: number }

On success, a "documentUpdated" event is emitted.


To delete/destroy/remove a document, use destroyDocument. Pass the collection name and the id and version of the document.

  collection: "name",
  doc: {
    id: "a UUID",
    version: number

As with document updates, versions must match. The return value is an error document if the document was not found or versions do not match. Otherwise, the return value is an empty document:


On success, a "documentDeleted" event is emitted.

Error Documents

{ error: string, code: number }

The following a list of all error documents:

{ error: "bad request", code: 400 }

{ error: "document not found", code: 404 }

{ error: "version mismatch", code: 409 }

Queries on Collections

One may query or filter collections via queryCollection. Matching documents (and/or the count thereof) will be returned. One can specify AND or OR queries, paginate via "skip" and "limit", sort the matching documents by a key, and include references in the final set of matching documents.

var results = haze.queryCollection({
  collection: "name",
  where: [
    [ "key", "predicate", value ],
  combine: "or",
  skip: number,
  limit: number,
  sort: "-key",
  include: [ "A", "B.C.D", "E" ]


Conditions are specified via where which takes the form:

[ condition1, condition2, ..., conditionN ]

A condition takes the form:

[ "key", "predicate", operand ]


  • "key" is the key of the document to test;
  • "predicate" is the name of the test to apply; and
  • operand is the value to test against/with.


"predicate" may be one of the following:

  • "eq" - doc passes test if its value at key equals operand
  • "neq" - doc passes test if its value at key does not equal operand
  • "gt" - doc passes test if its value at key is greater than operand
  • "ge" - doc passes test if its value at key is greater than or equal to operand
  • "lt" - doc passes test if its value at key is less than operand
  • "le" - doc passes test if its value at key is less than or equal to operand
  • "in" - doc passes test if its value at key is a member of the set specified by the array operand
  • "nin" - doc passes test if its value at key is not a member of the set specified by the array operand
  • "exists" - doc passes test if it has given key (operand ignored)
  • "nexists" - doc passes test if it does not have given key (operand ignored)
  • "prefix" - doc passes test if its value at key is string that starts with operand (case-sensitive)
  • "contains" - doc passes test if its value at key is string that contains operand (case-sensitive)
  • "suffix" - doc passes test if its value at key is string that ends with operand (case-sensitive)
  • "iprefix" - doc passes test if its value at key is string that starts with operand (case-insensitive)
  • "icontains" - doc passes test if its value at key is string that contains operand (case-insensitive)
  • "isuffix" - doc passes test if its value at key is string that ends with operand (case-insensitive)

Combining result sets

Note that multiple conditions may be specified in where. Each condition generates a matching set of documents from the collection. How the multiple result sets are combined into the final result set is controlled by the combine parameter.

combine may be "and" or "or". The default combine is "and". An "and" value means that the intersection of result sets is returned. An "or" value means the union of result sets is returned.


To only count the final number of results, specify count with a true value.

var count = haze.queryCollection({
  collection: "Users",
  where: [ [ "name", "eq", "Sally" ] ],
  count: true

The returned object takes the form:

{ count: number }


To sort the final result set, specify a sort parameter value with the value "key" to sort into ascending order by the value at key in each document of the result set or "-key" to sort into descending order.

Only a single level of sorting is provided for now. That is, you cannot sort by a second (or third) key should the values of the first (or second) key be equal in two documents being compared. Perhaps later...

Sorting only makes sense when count is not specified or is false.


To include a subset of results, specify skip and/or limit parameters. Both of these should be positive integers.

The first skip documents of the final result set are dropped. Then the first limit documents of the final result are kept.

Pagination only makes sense when count is not specified or is false.


References are only included after filtering the collection but before sorting.

Atomic Increments

One can increment a numeric value of a document via incrementDocument. This does not require a matching version to be specified. Specify the collection name and document id along with the key to be updated and by how much.

  collection: "name",
  doc: {
    id: "a UUID",
    key: number

On success, a "documentUpdated" event is emitted. There's no need for a separate documentIncremented event as far as I can tell.


Events are emitted on the exported 'eventEmitter':

  • "documentCreated"
  • "documentUpdated"
  • "documentDestroyed"

All events emitted pass (collectionName, doc)


Haze was implemented for Node.js but would work in the browser via Browserify. The only Node.js-specific dependency is the events module which Browserify provides access to.


Persistence adapters do exist for Haze. See https://github.com/fictorial


Brian Hammond brian@fictorial.com




  • multiple sort keys
  • group by? or let clients handle this?