0.11.0-alpha ā€¢ Published 4 years ago

headlessly v0.11.0-alpha

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Last release
4 years ago

Run any JavaScript / TypeScript code in a headless browser using Puppeteer from your terminal šŸ”„

Transparently bundles input files, so you can use require() and ES module import. You can serve static files and even simulate connectivity issues.

Great for testing client-side code in an actual browser! It's everything that Karma is not: It's small, it's fast and trivial to set up.

šŸš€Ā Ā Runs any script in a headless Chrome browser šŸ“¦Ā Ā Zero-config transparent bundling šŸ’”Ā Ā Supports TypeScript, ES modules & JSX out of the box šŸ–„Ā Ā Pipes console output and errors to host shell


npm install headlessly


We can use npm's npx tool to run a locally installed headlessly package.

npx headlessly [<options>] <file>

# without npx
node ./node_modules/.bin/headlessly [<options>] <file>

To keep this documentation consistent, we will refer to headlessly invocations as headlessly ... from here on, without npx.

Print help

Run headlessly --help to print some general usage description.

  $ headlessly <./entrypoint> [...more entrypoints] [-- <...script arguments>]
  $ headlessly <./entrypoint>:</serve/here> [...more entrypoints] [-- <...script args>]
  $ headlessly --plugin=<plugin> [<...entrypoints>] [-- <...script arguments>]

  --help                            Show this help.
  --inspect                         Run in actual Chrome window and keep it open.
  --bundle <./file>[:</serve/here>] Bundle and serve additional files, but don't inject them.
  --p <port>, --port <port>         Serve on this port. Defaults to random port.
  --plugin <plugin>                 Load and apply plugin <plugin>.
  --serve <./file>[:</serve/here>]  Serve additional files next to bundle.

  $ headlessly ./sample/cowsays.js
  $ headlessly ./sample/greet.ts newbie
  $ headlessly --plugin=mocha ./sample/mocha-test.ts

Set an alias

You can also define an alias in your ~/.bash_profile file to always run the locally installed headlessly using npx.

ALIAS headlessly="npx headlessly"
headlessly [<options>] <file>



The entrypoint script has to follow a simple convention: It is expected to export a function returning a promise. Once it resolves, the headless browser will be closed.

// es-module-sample.js

async function main() {
  const response = await fetch("https://google.com/")
  const text = await response.text()

  // This should be logged to your terminal
  console.log("Could fetch the Google page from within a browser:\n" + text)

export default main

To write a CommonJS module, just replace the last line containing the export default with:

module.exports = main

Running the script is as simple as:

headlessly ./es-module-sample.js


In case the exported function throws an error, headlessly will print the error and stack trace, close the headless Chromium browser and exit with a non-zero exit code.


Plugins can be used to provide convenience functionality or tweak the runner's behavior. They make it easy to integrate your script with testing frameworks.

Check out the šŸ‘‰ plugins repository to see what's on offer.

Scripting API

Entrypoint function

This is the signature of the function that your entrypoint is supposed to export.

function main(args: string[]): Promise<any>

args: string[]

The arguments that were passed to headlessly. If you run headlessly ./my-file foo bar, then args will be ["foo", "bar"].


The script runner will inject a headless object into the browser window's global scope. It contains some useful methods.

headless.exit(exitCode?: number = 0)

Causes the script to end. The headlessly process will exit with the exit code you pass here.

The exit code defaults to zero.

headless.setOfflineMode(takeOffline: boolean = true)

Puts the browser in offline mode and closes all active connections if called with true or no arguments. Call it with false to bring the browser back online.

More features

You can access all environment variables of the host shell in your scripts as process.env.VARIABLENAME.

If an error is thrown, you will see the error and stack trace in your host shell. The stack trace will reference your source file lines, not the line in the bundle file that is actually served to the browser under the hood.


Have a look at the samples in the sample directory:

Test framework support

If you want to run tests in the browser using headlessly, check out this list first:

Works great when used with the Mocha Plugin. See sample/mocha or sample/mocha-enzyme.

Works like a charm, see sample/tape.

Currently not possible, since it's testing library and test runner code are too tightly coupled.

Didn't try yet.
