1.0.0 • Published 8 years ago

hear-flowdock-speak v1.0.0

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Last release
8 years ago


A commandline utility to vocalize a Flowdock chat stream.


$ npm install -g hear-flowdock-speak`

Configure your environment and then:

$ hear-flowdock-speak


Environment Variables

Set your Flowdock personal API token in an environment variable FLOWDOCK_API_KEY. You can find this Token by logging in to Flowdock (or CA Agile Central) and visiting https://www.flowdock.com/account/tokens.

$ FLOWDOCK_API_KEY=abcdef0123456789 hear-flowdock-speak


You must set up configuration by copying config.template.json to ~/.hear-flowdock-speak.json in your home folder and editing to match your environment.

  • organization - Your organization name in flowdock
  • flowdockApiKey - Optional Your Flowdock API key. You can set this here or in the environment variable.
  • flows - an array of names of flows to vocalize.
  • voices - an array of names of the available voices for your platform. See the say package for details.
  • userVoices - A map of Flowdock user names to OS Voices. If a user is not in the list, they are assigned a random voice from voices.
  • filters - A collection of regular expressions to improve pronunciations. This is an array of objects with these properties:
    • match- The regular expression to match (remember to escape backslashes)
    • flags - Optional regex flags. The default is gi
    • say - The replacement text. Use $1 to refer to first capture group. (On the Mac, see Speech Speech Synthesis Programming Guide for ways to enhance voice output.)
  • defaultRequestOptions - the defaultRequestOptions is an object passed to the underlying request module to use as default options (ie. proxy settings).