0.17.0 • Published 4 years ago

hecs-plugin-three v0.17.0

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4 years ago
:warning: Important: This package is WIP and is not ready for use

Hecs Plugin Three

A plugin for Hecs that adds functionality to render three.js models and primitives. When used in node or without a viewport configured then appropriate systems become inactive.


Install via npm/yarn:

yarn add hecs hecs-plugin-core hecs-plugin-three three

Add the plugin to your plugin list when creating a World

import { World } from 'hecs'
import ThreePlugin from 'hecs-plugin-three'

const world = new World({
  plugins: [ThreePlugin],
  systems: [/* your systems */],
  components: [/* your components */],

A world instance with this plugin installed can now use all of the features below:


This is the three.js scene used internally. It's available if you need it but completely optional.


Configuring this with a DOMElement will attach the renderer and start rendering your scenes to it. Interally it uses ResizeObserver to watch for resize and automatically updates the camera and renderer perspectives. When no viewport is defined nothing will be rendered and some systems will run passively. Can be unset with null

World.presentation.takePhoto(width, height)

Allows you to take a photo of the scene at any arbitrary size, from the point of view of the camera. The returned value is a base64 string representing the image. Internally this uses CanvasElement.toDataURL(). This is useful for editors to generate thumbnails of a scene, but could also be used during a running simulation to take photos.

Camera (Component)

Adding this component to an entity controls where the camera is in the scene. This component is a singleton so adding it to another entity will remove it from any previous entity.

Requires: Transform

import { Transform } from 'hecs-plugin-core'
import { Camera } from 'hecs-plugin-three'


Model (Component)

Adding this component to an entity will load and render a GLTF asset.

assetAssetnew Asset()The asset to load and use for the model

Requires: Transform

Advanced: You can determine whether a model is still loading by looking for a ModelLoading component. Once loaded, a ModelMesh component is available to access the actual three.js mesh.

import { Transform, Asset } from 'hecs-plugin-core'
import { Model } from 'hecs-plugin-three'

  .add(Model, { 
    asset: new Asset('me.com/spaceship.glb') 

Shape (Component)

Adding this component to an entity will build and render a primitive shape

kindString'BOX'The kind of shape to build. Must be one of BOX, SPHERE or CAPSULE
boxSizeVector3new Vector3(1, 1, 1)The size of the box. Only applicable when kind is BOX.
sphereRadiusNumber0.5The radius of the sphere. Only applicable when kind is SPHERE.
sphereWidthSegmentsNumber16The width segments of the sphere. Only applicable when kind is SPHERE.
sphereHeightSegmentsNumber12The height segments of the sphere. Only applicable when kind is SPHERE.
capsuleRadiusNumber0.5The radius of the capsule. Only applicable when kind is CAPSULE.
capsuleHeightNumber1The height of the capsule. Only applicable when kind is CAPSULE.
capsuleSegmentsNumber5The number of segments for the capsule. Only applicable when kind is CAPSULE.
colorColor'#fff'The color of the shape.

Requires: Transform

Advanced: A ShapeMesh component is available to access the actual three.js mesh.

import { Transform, Vector3 } from 'hecs-plugin-core'
import { Shape } from 'hecs-plugin-three'

  .add(Shape, { 
    kind: 'BOX',
    boxSize: new Vector3(1, 1, 1),
    color: 'purple'

Object3D (Component)

All entities with a Transform are given an Object3D component which will be displayed in the scene in the correct hierarchical position. This container is used internally for all Model and Shape meshes that are created.

valueObject3Dnew Object3D()The object3d

Advanced: You can use this container to add and remove your own meshes without needing to worry about scene hierarchy. See how this can be done in the ModelSystem and ShapeSystem.

Image (Component)

Adding this component to an entity will render an image at its location

assetAssetnew Asset()The image asset to render
widthNumber1The width of the plane the image is displayed on.
heightNumber1The height of the plane the image is displayed on.
fitString'CONTAIN'The fitting mode. CONTAIN means the image will be made to fit inside of the width and height props. COVER means the image will be resized to ensure it covers all width and height surface, cropping the overflow.

Requires: Transform

import { Transform, Asset } from 'hecs-plugin-core'
import { Image } from 'hecs-plugin-three'

  .add(Image, { 
    asset: new Asset('billboard-sign.png'),
    width: 6,
    height: 3,
    fit: 'COVER',

LookAt (Component)

An entity with this component will have its transform constantly updated to look at it's target

entityString''The target entity id
limitString'NONE'Limits the axis of rotation. NONE means all axis will be rotated, Y_AXIS means only Y will rotate. You can also use X_AXIS and Z_AXIS.

Requires: Transform

import { Transform, Asset } from 'hecs-plugin-core'
import { LookAt, Image } from 'hecs-plugin-three'

  .add(Image, { asset: new Asset('billboard-sign.png') })
  .add(LookAt, { 
    entity: '0:1',
    limit: 'Y_AXIS'

LookAtCamera (Component)

Works the same as the LookAt component but always targets the camera.

limitString'NONE'Limits the axis of rotation. NONE means all axis will be rotated, Y_AXIS means only Y will rotate. You can also use X_AXIS and Z_AXIS.

Requires: Transform

import { Transform, Asset } from 'hecs-plugin-core'
import { LookAtCamera, Image } from 'hecs-plugin-three'

  .add(Image, { asset: new Asset('billboard-sign.png') })
  .add(LookAtCamera, { limit: 'Y_AXIS' })

4 years ago


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