2.0.0 • Published 10 years ago

hello-frame-rpc v2.0.0

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Last release
10 years ago


client/server-style RPC for iframe postMessage communication

This package provides some setup on top of frame-rpc to configure the postMessage origins and window.parent traversal with a hello message before dropping down into the primary RPC mechanism.


we can have a "server" app running on http://localhost:9000:

var rpc = require('hello-frame-rpc');
var methods = {
    multi: function (n, cb) { cb(n * 111) }
rpc.listen('*', methods, function (err, remote) {
    remote.call('say', 'hello from the server!!!');
$ browserify server.js -o server/bundle.js
$ ecstatic -p 9000 server/

and a "client" app running on http://localhost:9001:

var rpc = require('hello-frame-rpc');
var methods = {
    say: function (msg) {
        var div = document.createElement('div');
        div.textContent = msg;

rpc.connect('http://localhost:9000', methods, function (err, remote) {
    remote.call('multi', 5, function (n) {
        console.log('n=', n);
$ browserify client.js -o client/bundle.js
$ ecstatic -p 9001 client/

Now visit http://localhost:9001 in a browser. You will see a greeting, "hello from the server!!!" rendered to the page and a message in the console: n=555.


var rpc = require('hello-frame-rpc')

rpc.listen(origin, methods, cb)

Listen for incoming requests on origin and serve up methods.

methods can be an object mapping names to methods the remote endpoint can call or a function methods(remote) that will get a handle to the remote frame-rpc instance and should return an object mapping names to methods.

cb(err, remote) fires when a parent iframe successfully connects with remote, a frame-rpc handle.

origin can be the string '*' (anything), an allowed string url, an array of allowed string urls, or a function (x) {} that will take the incoming origin as its argument and should return a boolean about whether the origin argument is allowed.

The remote handle has .call() and .apply() methods to call functions on the remote endpoint with an optional callback as the last argument.

rpc.connect(src, methods, cb)

Connect to src, a url string to open in an iframe. methods will be exposed to the iframe.

methods can be an object mapping names to methods the remote endpoint can call or a function methods(remote) that will get a handle to the remote frame-rpc instance and should return an object mapping names to methods.

cb(err, remote) fires when the "server" iframe is fully connected with remote, a frame-rpc handle.

The remote handle has .call() and .apply() methods to call functions on the remote endpoint with an optional callback as the last argument.


With npm, do:

npm install hello-frame-rpc


Thanks to blockai for sponsoring development of this project.
