1.0.3 • Published 9 years ago
help-panel v1.0.3
Help Panel Component
This is a test module for distributing components using npm.
This package does not include the server code.
Requirements for components
- Start with one component per Git project
describe component and API, CSS, usage, dependencies, todo, design requirements, development roadmapCHANGELOG.md
lists releases and changespackage.json
all dependencies to build, test, and run demo app/src
component source files including tests/demo
standalone demo running on node/express using basic Angular application
As we develop more components we should be able to consolidate components into a single Git project. This project will form the basis of the component Kitchen sink.
- Revise navigation (simple state management, think about number of levels)
- Content rendering
- Back navigation scroll position reset
9 years ago