0.2.1 • Published 9 years ago

hexo-deploy-parse v0.2.1

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Last release
9 years ago

Parse.com deployer plugin for Hexo

With this plugin you can deploy your Hexo site be hosted on Parse.com, execute smoketests on your pages/blogposts, increment the values of "settings" objects stored on Parse, and easily extend your build/deployment/rollback process.

WARNING: This plugin is only half-baked in many ways. If others show interest, I will contribute more features and fix any issues.



npm install hexo-deployer-parse --save


Add hexo-deployer-parse to plugins in _config.yml.

- hexo-deployer-parse


This explains how to configure your deployment options.


To get your started quickly, a simple build configuration in your "_config.yml" file might look something like this...

  type: parse
  included_folders: ['assets/img:public/img']
  deployment_timeout: 60
  load_in_browser: true  

The configuration above would ensure that:

  • The assets/img folder will be copied over to public/img before your deployment to Parse.com begins.
  • The deployment will throw an error and exit if it does not complete in less than 60 seconds. This timeout should include time for generating a build, deploying that build to parse, running all URL tests, and the entire deployment process.
  • After deployment completes your site will be loaded in a new window by your default web browser because load_in_browser is set to true.

Parse Settings

NOTE: This feature hasn't been completed as of 2/25/15. The local settings.json file will be updated when you deploy, but your settings object on Parse.com will not be updated. I'll get to this feature soon and update the package when I do.

If you'd like to have the deployer increment settings values locally and on Parse.com as part of your deployment process, the plugin will need access to your Parse.com App's Application ID and JavaScript Key.

Add these keys to your _config.yml file in the deploy settings under the "parse" property as app_id and js_key respectively.

  type: parse
  included_folders: ['assets/img:public/img', 'src/cloud_code:cloud']
  load_in_browser: true
  deployment_timeout: 60
    app_id: <Your Parse.com App's ID>
    js_key: <Your Parse.com App's JavaScript Key>    
    object: appSettings
    settings_file: config/settings.json
    urls: ['/home', '/about', '/contact']
    check_posts: true
    rollback_cmd: hexo rollback  

As you can see above, there are also a couple other options included in the parse settings within the "_config.yml" file like object and settings_file.

object: This is the name of the Parse.com "Object" in which you want your app's deployment settings object stored. This allows your server side code to be aware of the last time it was successfully deployed to and allows you to track the version of your site based on how many times you have deployed it.

settings_file: This is the relative path to the local file where deployment settings will be updated/stored. (NOTE: This file will need to be created initially by you! Sorry, I'm lazy.)

You should create a file at this path that looks like this to start...

  "name": "",
  "version": 0,
  "last_deployed": ""

These values will be updated for you automatically upon each deployment.

URL Tests

If you'd like for the deployer to check the status of your pages after deployment, include these options in your _config.yml file...

  type: parse
  deployment_timeout: 70
    urls: ['blog/', 'about/', 'projects/', 'contact/',]
    check_posts: true
    rollback_cmd: hexo rollback

These options tell the deployer which (relative) URLs to check after your deployment has completed to ensure that your pages still work. This just pings each and ensures that an HTTP status code of 200 is returned.

If you have set check_posts to true, the deployer will also trigger a custom hexo "generator" that creates a file called list.json in the public/deployer/posts/ folder of your project that will contain a list of all your posts including their title and permalink attributes. It will test all of your post's URLs to ensure that they have an HTTP status code of 200 as well.

If you've set a rollback_cmd, this command will be run in the event that any of your URL tests fail. I suggest creating a custom script that will roll your site back to the previous (and hopefully working) version.

Included Folders

This is where you specify the folders that you'd like to have included in your deployment to Parse. The syntax for including folders is to add the source and destination paths, seperated by a colon (:), to an array like this: ['<path_to_source_folder>:<path_to_destination_folder>', etc, etc...]

Browser Load

This can be true, false, or a URL like http://your-app-name.parseapp.com. This tells the deployer to open your browser and navigate to either your hexo configuration's root URL or to the URL that you specify once deployment is complete. Set this value to false if you'd prefer that it didn't open your browser for you.

Deployment Timeout

This is the amount of time, in seconds, that the deployer will wait for the deployment to Parse.com to be completed before it assumes that the deployment has failed and exits.

Removal & Updates


Remove hexo-deployer-parse from plugins in _config.yml.

- hexo-deployer-parse


Execute the following command.

npm update


Execute the following npm command. (Don't forget to disable the plugin by removing it from your _config.yml file's plugin list in addition to uninstalling the npm package, otherwise Hexo will yell at you...)

npm uninstall hexo-deployer-parse