1.0.0 • Published 3 months ago

hexo-theme-maupa v1.0.0

Weekly downloads
Last release
3 months ago








$ git clone https://gitee.com/MIXCI/Maupa.git themes/maupa
$ npm install hexo-renderer-pug --save
$ npm install hexo-renderer-sass-next --save

编辑Hexo目录下的 _config.yml,将theme的值改为maupassant。 注:依赖hexo-renderer-sass安装时容易报错,很可能是国内网络问题,请尝试使用代理或者切换至NPM的国内镜像源安装。



 enable: false # If you want to use Disqus comment system, please set the value to true.
 shortname: # Your disqus_shortname, e.g. username
 api: # You can visit Disqus comments in China mainland without barriers using Disqus API, e.g. https://disqus.skk.moe/disqus/
 apikey: # Your API key obtained in Disqus API Application, e.g. yk00ZB1fjYGRkrCrDDRYDUjpp26GJWJiJRZQZ5SY0r3th5FMW6pnSzQMnWH7ua7r
 admin: # Username of your Disqus moderator, e.g. username
 admin_label: ## The text of Disqus moderator badge, e.g. Mod
uyan: # Your uyan_id. e.g. 1234567
livere: # Your livere data-uid, e.g. MTAyMC8zMDAxOC78NTgz
changyan: # Your changyan appid, e.g. cyrALsXc8
changyan_conf: # Your changyan conf, e.g. prod_d8a508c2825ab57eeb43e7c69bba0e8b
gitalk: # See: https://github.com/gitalk/gitalk
 enable: false # If you want to use Gitment comment system please set the value to true.
 owner: # Your GitHub ID, e.g. username
 repo: # The repository to store your comments, make sure you're the repo's owner, e.g. gitalk.github.io
 client_id: # GitHub client ID, e.g. 75752dafe7907a897619
 client_secret: # GitHub client secret, e.g. ec2fb9054972c891289640354993b662f4cccc50
 admin: # Github repo owner and collaborators, only these guys can initialize github issues.
valine: # See: https://valine.js.org
 enable: false # If you want to use Valine comment system, please set the value to true.
 appid: # Your LeanCloud application App ID, e.g. pRBBL2JR4N7kLEGojrF0MsSs-gzGzoHsz
 appkey: # Your LeanCloud application App Key, e.g. tjczHpDfhjYDSYddzymYK1JJ
 serverURLs: # If you are the "LeanCloud" in China, then this option is not mandatory to fill out. REST API Server Url" of your "LeanCloud, e.g. https://prbbl2jr.api.lncldglobal.com
 notify: false # Mail notifier, see https://github.com/xCss/Valine/wiki/Valine-评论系统中的邮件提醒设置
 verify: false # Validation code.
 placeholder: Just so so # Comment box placeholders.
 avatar: "mm" # Gravatar type, see https://github.com/xCss/Valine/wiki/avatar-setting-for-valine
 pageSize: 10 # Number of comments per page.
 guest_info: nick,mail,link # Attributes of reviewers.
minivaline: # See: https://github.com/MiniValine/MiniValine
 enable: false # If you want to use MiniValine comment system, please set the value to true.
 appId: # Your LeanCloud application App ID, e.g. pRBBL2JR4N7kLEGojrF0MsSs-gzGzoHsz
 appKey: # Your LeanCloud application App Key, e.g. tjczHpDfhjYDSYddzymYK1JJ
 placeholder: Write a Comment # Comment box placeholder.
 adminEmailMd5: # The MD5 of Admin Email to show Admin Flag.
 math: true # Support MathJax.
 md: true # Support Markdown.
 # MiniValine's display language depends on user's browser or system environment
 # If you want everyone visiting your site to see a uniform language, you can set a force language value
 # Available values: en  | zh-CN | (and many more)
 # More i18n info: https://github.com/MiniValine/minivaline-i18n
waline: # See: https://waline.js.org/
 enable: false # If you want to use Waline comment system, please set the value to true.
 serverURL: # Your server url, e.g. https://your-domain.vercel.app
 pageSize: 30 # The desired number of comments shown in each page.
 wordLimit: 500 # Limit the number of words in comments, 0 means no limit.
 requiredMeta: ['nick','mail'] # Required user information, e.g. ['nick','mail','link']
 count: 5 # The number comments displayed in the recent_comments widget, default is 10.
utterances: # See: https://utteranc.es
 enable: false # If you want to use Utterances comment system, please set the value to true.
 repo: # The repository utterances will connect to, e.g. tufu9441/comments
 identifier: title # The mapping between blog posts and GitHub issues.
 theme: github-light # Choose an Utterances theme which matches your blog.
twikoo: # See: https://twikoo.js.org
 enable: false # If you want to use twikoo comment system, please set the value to true.
 envId: # Tencent CloudBase envId
 region: # Tencent CloudBase region, e.g. ap-shanghai
 path: # Article path, e.g. window.location.pathname

google_search: true # Use Google search, true/false.
baidu_search: false # Use Baidu search, true/false.
swiftype: # Your swiftype_key, e.g. m7b11ZrsT8Me7gzApciT
self_search: false # Use a jQuery-based local search engine, true/false.
google_analytics: # Your Google Analytics tracking id, e.g. UA-42425684-2
baidu_analytics: # Your Baidu Analytics tracking id, e.g. 8006843039519956000
microsoft_clarity: # Your Microsoft Clarity tracking id, e.g. zg2ctuea9j
fancybox: true # If you want to use fancybox please set the value to true.
show_category_count: false # If you want to show the count of categories in the sidebar widget please set the value to true.
toc_number: true # If you want to add list number to toc please set the value to true.
shareto: false # If you want to use the share button please set the value to true, and you must have hexo-helper-qrcode installed.
busuanzi: true # If you want to use Busuanzi page views please set the value to true.
wordcount: false # If you want to display the word counter and the reading time expected to spend of each post please set the value to true, and you must have hexo-wordcount installed.
widgets_on_small_screens: false # Set to true to enable widgets on small screens.
 enable: false # If you want to use dynamic background please set the value to true, you can also fill the following parameters to customize the dynamic effect, or just leave them blank to keep the default effect.
 color: # RGB value of the color, e.g. "100,99,98"
 opacity: # Transparency of lines, e.g. "0.7"
 zIndex: # The z-index property of the background, e.g. "-1"
 count: # Quantity of lines, e.g. "150"
 enable: false # If you want to display the donate button after each post, please set the value to true and fill the following items on your need. You can also enable donate button in a page by adding a "donate: true" item to the front-matter.
 github: # GitHub URL, e.g. https://github.com/Kaiyuan/donate-page
 alipay_qr: # Path of Alipay QRcode image, e.g. /img/AliPayQR.png
 wechat_qr: # Path of Wechat QRcode image, e.g. /img/WeChatQR.png
 btc_qr: # Path of Bitcoin QRcode image, e.g. /img/BTCQR.png
 btc_key: # Bitcoin key, e.g. 1KuK5eK2BLsqpsFVXXSBG5wbSAwZVadt6L
 paypal_url: # Paypal URL, e.g. https://www.paypal.me/tufu9441
 enable: false # If you want to display the copyright info after each post, please set the value to true and fill the following items on your need.
 author: # Your author name, e.g. tufu9441
 copyright_text: # Your copyright text, e.g. The author owns the copyright, please indicate the source reproduced.
love: false # If you want the love to appear when you click anywhere, set the value to true.
plantuml: # Using PlantUML to generate UML diagram, must install hexo-filter-plantuml (https://github.com/miao1007/hexo-filter-plantuml).
 render: "PlantUMLServer" # Local or PlantUMLServer.
 outputFormat: "svg" # Common options: svg/png
copycode: true # If you want to enable one-click copy of the code blocks, set the value to true.
dark: false # If you want to toggle between light/dark themes, set the value to true.
totop: true # If you want to use the rocketship button to return to the top, set the value to true.
external_css: false # If you want to load an external CSS file, set the value to true and create a file named "external.css" in the source/css folder.
post_content_length: 180 # Set the length of the post summary displayed on home page when no description written.

 - page: home
   directory: .
   icon: fa-home
 - page: archive
   directory: archives/
   icon: fa-archive
 - page: about
   directory: about/
   icon: fa-user
 - page: rss
   directory: atom.xml
   icon: fa-rss
   target: _blank

widgets: ## Seven widgets in sidebar provided: search, info, category, tag, recent_posts, recent_comments and links.
 - search
 - info
 - category
 - tag
 - recent_posts
 - recent_comments
 - links

 avatar: /img/avatar.png
 discription: To be a better man.
  - name: twitter
    outlink: https://twitter.com/username
    message: Twitter
  - name: envelope
    outlink: mailto:admin@domain.com
    message: Email
  - name: github
    outlink: https://github.com/username
    message: Github
  - name: rss
    outlink: /atom.xml
    message: RSS

 - title: site-name1
   url: http://www.example1.com/
   src: https://www.example1.com/favicon.ico
   desc: XXX's Blog
 - title: site-name2
   url: http://www.example2.com/
   src: https://www.example1.com/favicon.ico
   desc: YYY's Blog
 - title: site-name3
   url: http://www.example3.com/
   src: https://www.example3.com/favicon.ico
   desc: ZZZ's Blog

 - num: 1
   word: 2014/06/12-Start
 - num: 2
   word: 2014/11/29-XXX
 - num: 3
   word: 2015/02/18-DDD
 - num: 4
   word: More

# Github badges
 - lable: Powered by
   message: Hexo
   color: blue
   url: https://hexo.io
  # title: Hexo
 - lable: Theme
   message: Maupa
   color: yellowgreen
   url: https://gitee.com/MIXCI/Maupa
 - lable: UV
   type: uv
   message: <i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin fa-fw"></i>
   color: orange
 - lable: PV
   type: pv
   message: <i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin fa-fw"></i>
   color: lightgray
#   - logo: 'https://www.upyun.com/static/favicon-64x64.png' # or '...wvZz4gPC9nPjwvc3ZnPg=='
#     lable: CDN # <img src="...C9nPgogIDwvZz4KIDwvZz4KPC9zdmc+"/>PV
#     message: 又拍云
#     color: blue # values: brightgreen, green, yellowgreen, orange, yellow, blueviolet, pink, red, blue, grey/gray, lightgrey/lightgray
#     url: https://www.upyun.com/?utm_source=lianmeng&utm_medium=referral
#     title: # for url

# Static files
js: js
css: css

# Theme version
version: 1.0.0









source目录下建立相应名称的文件夹,然后在文件夹中建立index.md文件,并在index.mdfront-matter中设置layoutlayout: page。现已支持添加标签页面,将页面的layout设置为layout: tagcloud即可。若需要单栏页面,就将layout设置为 layout: single-column


在文章的front-matter中添加toc: true即可让该篇文章显示目录。


文章和页面的评论功能可以通过在front-matter中设置comments: truecomments: false来进行开启或关闭(默认开启)。



  enable: true
  auto_detect: true
  line_number: true



mathjax: true

并在相应文章的front-matter中添加mathjax: true,例如:

title: Test Math
date: 2016-04-05 14:16:00
categories: math
mathjax: true


但是,如果你的文章内容中经常出现美元符号“$”, 或者说你想将“$”用作美元符号而非行内公式的定界符,请在Hexo目录的_config.yml中添加:

mathjax2: true

而不是mathjax: true。 相应地,在需要使用数学公式的文章的front-matter中也添加mathjax2: true


此主题目前有七种语言可供选择:简体中文 (zh-CN)、繁体中文 (zh-TW)、英语 (en)、法语 (fr-FR)、德语 (de-DE)、韩语 (ko) 和西班牙语 (es-ES)。翻译成其他语言的贡献将受到高度赞赏。

解决 方案


IE / EdgeFirefoxChromeSafariOpera
IE9+, Edgelast 10 versionslast 10 versionslast 7 versionslast 10 versions


提交issue或pull 1. Fork 本仓库 2. 新建 Feat_xxx 分支 3. 提交代码 4. 新建 Pull Request