1.0.1 • Published 5 years ago

hifinder v1.0.1

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Last release
5 years ago


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Perform reverse image search and automatically download highest available resolution image. This script is powered by Google Reverse Image Search.

Be warned that execution takes a bit of time. This is intentional as hitting Google too hard and fast triggers bot detection.



As hifinder is written in TypeScript, it needs Node to run. You can get current version of Node here.

Additionally, hifinder uses Chrome/Chromium to render search result pages in the background. If you don't already have it installed, you can get Chrome here.

Once you got dependencies set up, open command prompt/terminal emulator and run

npm intall --global hifinder

The above command might require administrator privileges, depending on how you installed Node.


Download highest available resolution versions of all jpg images in current directory to a subdirectory "HiRes" (default behavior):

hifinder *.jpg

Replace all png files with highest available resolution versions in current directory:

hifinder --dir . --keep-filename --overwrite *.png

For all available flags run:

hifinder --help