0.3.0 • Published 11 years ago
hifive-tap v0.3.0
Hi-Five: TAP reporter
TAP reporter for Hi-Five.
You pass the hifive-tap
library as your reporter:
var hifive = require('hifive')
var alright = require('alright')
var tests = spec 'Your thing' {
it 'Should do X' {
f(x) => g(x)
hifive.runWithDefaults([tests], require('hifive-tap')())
.fork(function(error) { throw error }
,function(report){ if (report.all().length === 0) process.exit(1) })
And get back TAP output!
TAP version 13
ok 1 Your thing Should do X
# Tests ran: 1 (1ms)
# Passed: 1
# Failed: 0
Just grab it from NPM:
$ npm install hifive-tap
Copyright (c) 2013—2014 Quildreen Motta.
Released under the MIT licence.