1.0.3 • Published 8 years ago

highland-piper v1.0.3

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8 years ago


Create first class pipelines that enable abort and finalise logic.

Use pure functions to create complex workflows and optimise data processing.

Getting started

transforms only

This is the simplest use case. It mirrors a basic highland pipeline. But it does allow for naming transforms.

Use .add to add a transform. All transforms are highland transforms just like a simple highland _.pipeline(...)

const _ = require('highland');
const piper = require('highland-piper');
const stream = _([ {title: 'The Title'} ]);

const pipeline = piper('title-changer');
pipeline.add('changeTitle', _.doto( obj => obj.title = 'New Title'));
stream.through(pipeline.consumer).each(o => console.log(o.title));

transforms and aborts

Aborts make a pipeline intelligent. You can skip unncessary processing for some objects without losing the data. Any aborted objects will be available for processing that starts after the pipeline ends. Think of it as a smart filter.

Use .abort to add an abort. Aborts take a name and a predicate. The predicate is a function that evaluates to true or false.

const _ = require('highland');
const piper = require('highland-piper');
const stream = _([
  {name: 'John', rating: 1}, 
  {name: 'Tom', rating: 2}, 
  {name: 'Sam', rating: 3} 

const pipeline = piper('experiences');

.add('addInfo', _.doto( obj => obj.info = obj.rating > 2 ? 'Experienced' : 'Beginner'))
.abort('ignoreExperienced', obj => /experienced/i.test(obj.info))
.add('assignWork', _.doto( obj => obj.work = 'Do extra work.'));

.doto(obj => obj.holiday = 'Spain')
.each(o => console.log(o));

Only John & Tom will Do extra work. But they will all John, Tom & Sam holiday in Spain.


Use .finally to finalise your pipeline. A Transform here applies to all objects including aborted ones. Use it to clean out pipeline specific attributes or properties in your objects.

Also, call .finally once. Any subsequent calls will override the existing transform.

Continuing from the example above.


.add('addInfo', _.doto( obj => obj.info = obj.rating > 2 ? 'Experienced' : 'Beginner'))
.abort('ignoreExperienced', obj => /experienced/i.test(obj.info))
.add('assignWork', _.doto( obj => obj.work = 'Do extra work.'))
.finally(_.doto( obj => delete obj.rating));

.doto(obj => obj.holiday = 'Spain')
.each(o => console.log(o));

All objects will no longer include obj.rating. After which they will include the holiday property.

Thank yous

Thank you to the highland team for all the hard work!


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago