0.0.6 • Published 6 years ago

hjsonfile v0.0.6

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6 years ago

Node.js - hjsonfile

Easily read/write HJSON files. Based on jsonfile.


Writing JSON.stringify() and then fs.writeFile() and JSON.parse() with fs.readFile() enclosed in try/catch blocks became annoying.


npm install --save hjsonfile


readFile(filename, options, callback)

options (object, default undefined): Pass in any fs.readFile options and to hjson.parse.

  • throws (boolean, default: true). If JSON.parse throws an error, pass this error to the callback. If false, returns null for the object.
var jsonfile = require('hjsonfile')
var file = '/tmp/data.json'
jsonfile.readFile(file, function(err, obj) {

readFileSync(filename, options)

options (object, default undefined): Pass in any fs.readFileSync options and to hjson.parse.

  • throws (boolean, default: true). If JSON.parse throws an error, throw the error. If false, returns null for the object.
var jsonfile = require('hjsonfile')
var file = '/tmp/data.json'


writeFile(filename, obj, options, callback)

options: Pass in any fs.writeFile options and to hjson.stringify.

var jsonfile = require('hjsonfile')

var file = '/tmp/data.json'
var obj = {name: 'JP'}

jsonfile.writeFile(file, obj, function (err) {

formatting with space:

var jsonfile = require('hjsonfile')

var file = '/tmp/data.json'
var obj = {name: 'JP'}

jsonfile.writeFile(file, obj, {space: 2}, function(err) {

appending to an existing JSON file:

You can use fs.writeFile option {flag: 'a'} to achieve this.

var jsonfile = require('hjsonfile')

var file = '/tmp/mayAlreadyExistedData.json'
var obj = {name: 'JP'}

jsonfile.writeFile(file, obj, {flag: 'a'}, function (err) {

writeFileSync(filename, obj, options)

options: Pass in any fs.writeFileSync options and to hjson.stringify.

var jsonfile = require('hjsonfile')

var file = '/tmp/data.json'
var obj = {name: 'JP'}

jsonfile.writeFileSync(file, obj)

formatting with space:

var jsonfile = require('hjsonfile')

var file = '/tmp/data.json'
var obj = {name: 'JP'}

jsonfile.writeFileSync(file, obj, {space: 2})

appending to an existing JSON file:

You can use fs.writeFileSync option {flag: 'a'} to achieve this.

var jsonfile = require('hjsonfile')

var file = '/tmp/mayAlreadyExistedData.json'
var obj = {name: 'JP'}

jsonfile.writeFileSync(file, obj, {flag: 'a'})


Global configuration to set space to indent JSON files.

default: null

var jsonfile = require('hjsonfile')

jsonfile.space = 4

var file = '/tmp/data.json'
var obj = {name: 'JP'}

// json file has four space indenting now
jsonfile.writeFile(file, obj, function (err) {

Note, it's bound to this.space. So, if you do this:

var myObj = {}
myObj.writeJsonSync = jsonfile.writeFileSync
// => this.space = null

Could do the following:

var jsonfile = require('hjsonfile')
jsonfile.space = 4
jsonfile.writeFileSync(file, obj) // will have 4 spaces indentation

var myCrazyObj = {space: 32}
myCrazyObj.writeJsonSync = jsonfile.writeFileSync
myCrazyObj.writeJsonSync(file, obj) // will have 32 space indentation
myCrazyObj.writeJsonSync(file, obj, {space: 2}) // will have only 2