1.1.0 • Published 1 year ago

homebridge-prosegur v1.1.0

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Last release
1 year ago



This is a Verified Homebridge plugin for Prosegur alarms users that allow homeowners to control their security system. The plugin currently supports Prosegur alarms in Colombia, it should also work in Portugal and Spain though it hasn't been tested there.

Video streming support in beta, looking to improve performance in future versions.

To use this plugin, here are three simple steps you need to follow: 1. Run npm install homebridge-prosegur 2. Configure the plugin using the configuration example 3. Restart Homebridge

You can also search prosegur using HOOBS or Onzu's Homebridge Config UI. Then proceed to configure the plugin using the included settings in the plugin page.


When configuring this plugin, simply add the platform to your existing config.json file. Mind that the platform name must always be Prosegur.

  "platforms": [
      "platform": "Prosegur",
      "name": "Alarm Name",
      "username": "email@email.com",
      "password": "1234567890",
      "country": "CO",
      "enableVideoCamera": true
      "platform": "...",
      "name": "..."

platform: Prosegur name: Name that will be showed in Homekit. username: The email you use to login to the prosegur web console. password: The password you use to login to the prosegur web console. country: Can be AR, CO, ES or PT. enableVideoCamera: Show installed camera?


This project has no relationship with Prosegur (unofficial library). The component uses the API provided by the Web Application. Has only been tested in Colombia, but should also work in Spain, Portugal and Argentina.

Credits and Appreciation

Based on the pyprosegur library by @dgomes Video streaming suppport based on homebridge-camera-ffmpeg.