homebridge-speedtest-net v1.1.4
Homebridge Plugin for broadband speed measurement as temperature sensor
Homebridge plugin for checking your broadband speed
This homebridge plugin exposes a new temperature sensor to HomeKit to see your broadband speed at home. It also has characteristics to see the download- and upload speed, your ping and your external ip within i.e. Elgato Eve app.
For the download speed the Eve History (fakegato-history) is used.
NOTE: The Eve History seems to have problems with high values - sometimes it shows negative values instead. Have to look deeper in this issue.
See Images for more details.
Installation instructions
After Homebridge has been installed:
sudo npm install -g homebridge-speedtest-net@latest --unsafe-perm
If you get the follwing error in the console you have to manually create the directories binaries
and pkg
An error occured: Error: EACCES: permission denied, mkdir '/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-speedtest-net/node_modules/speedtest-net/binaries' - Trying again in 1 min
Open the terminal (eg. in homebridge-config-ui-x) and execute the following commands.
cd /usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-speedtest-net/node_modules/speedtest-net/
su pi
sudo mkdir binaries pkg
sudo chmod 777 binaries/ pkg/
This problems occures because the NodeJS tool speedtest.net wants to create directories to download the test files for speed test. I have to look into it.
Example config.json:
"bridge": {
"accessories": [
"accessory": "SpeedtestNet",
"name": "Internet",
"interval": 60
Attributes | Required | Usage |
accessory | Yes | Must be "SpeedtestNet" |
name | No | Name for the Accessory (Default: SpeedtestNet) |
interval | No | Interval for checing the broadband in mins (Default: 60min) |
You can contribute to this homebridge plugin in following ways:
- Report issues and help verify fixes as they are checked in.
- Review the source code changes.
- Contribute bug fixes.
- Contribute changes to extend the capabilities
Pull requests are welcome.
This plugin is forked from homebridge-broadband.