hoodie-standalone-account v1.0.0
Account REST and front-end API
The hoodie-standalone-account
server is a hapi plugin, that exposes a REST-ful API.
It also exposes dynamically bundled & pre-initialised scripts for the
account client
See current work in progress here http://docs.accountrestapi.apiary.io/ Comment / send PRs for apiary.apib.
Have a glance (might be outdated, check links above)
# sign in, check session, sign out
PUT /session
GET /session
DELETE /session
# sign up, get / update / destroy account
PUT /session/account
GET /session/account
PATCH /session/account
DELETE /session/account
# get / update profile
GET /session/account/profile
PATCH /session/account/profile
# requests (e.g. password resets / username reminder, user account confirmation)
POST /requests
GET /requests # admins only
GET /requests/{id}
DELETE /requests/{id}
# admins only: manage accounts
POST /accounts
GET /accounts
GET /accounts/{username}
PATCH /accounts/{username}
DELETE /accounts/{username}
Client API
The Client API can be loaded from /account.js
A pre-initiliased account API
is set on window.account
Server API
var Hapi = require('hapi')
var hapiAccount = require('hoodie-standalone-account')
var options = {
backend: {
// Unless name=pouchdb, pass spawn-pouchdb-server options:
// https://github.com/gr2m/spawn-pouchdb-server#options
name: 'couchdb',
location: 'http://admin:secret@localhost:5984'
confirmation: 'auto',
notifications: {
service: 'gmail',
auth: {
user: 'gmail.user@gmail.com',
pass: 'userpass'
templates: {
passwordreset: 'Dear {account.username},\n\nyou can reset your password at:\n{server.info.uri}/#resetPassword/{request.token}',
confirmation: 'Dear {account.profile.name},\n\nyour confirmation code is {token}'
schema: {
username: {
minlength: 3
password: {
minlength: 6
profile: {
required: ['name'],
properties: {
name: {
type: 'string',
minlength: 3
requests: {
upgrade: function (request, reply) {
var server = request.connection.server
var user = request.auth.credentials
var promise = server.app.users.update({
id: user.id,
plan: request.params.plan
server.register({register: hapiAccount}, options, function (error) {
// server is ready
port: 8000
server.start(function () {
console.log('Server running at %s', server.info.uri);
also adds a server.app.account.admin
API, which is the same as the
account admin client API.
Back-end adapter, currently only one supported is CouchDB. options.adapter.couchdb
must either be a string of the CouchDB url, or a an object with couchdb.url
and couchdb.auth.pass
Account confirmation strategy.
: accounts get confirmed automatically"email"
: user receives email with confirmation token / url"invite-only"
: user receives email with invitation token, that needs to be passed on sign upfalse
: Admins confirm manually, or custom logic / 3rd-party plugins
Settings to send notifications to users like password resets and account confirmations.
and notifications.auth
should be compatible with
are templates for notifications being sent out
by the server.
A JSON schema to validate account properties against.
Handlers for custom requests
9 years ago