0.4.0 • Published 13 years ago
hook.io-postgres v0.4.0
Hook.io Postgres is a client-wrapper around pg for querying a postgres database.
git clone git@github.com:paulbellamy/hook.io-postgres.git
cd hook.io-postgres
npm install
node bin/postgres
Using NPM
npm install hook.io-postgres
hookio-postgres --debug
Note: Using the default options hookio-postgres will attempt to connect to pg://localhost/mydatabase
Hook Event Names
Event Listeners
postgres::query string - Run a sql query and pass the results to the callback.
postgres::query array - Run a sql query (with arguments) and pass the results to the callback.
postgres::query {text, name, values} - Run a named sql query and pass the results to the callback.
Event Emitters
postgres::connected event emitted when the hook is connected to postgres
postgres::error event emitted when there is an error talking to postgres
Hook config.json data
"database": {
"host": "/var/run/postgresql",
"port": 5432,
"user": "username",
"password": "password",
"database": "mydatabase"