0.1.2 • Published 2 years ago
hookbox v0.1.2
npm install hookbox
# or
yarn add hookbox
useCache is helpful to improve user experience. One is when api is slow, we can show cached data first, and update it when api returns. useCache parameter:
- cacheName(required): unique name for identifying data.
- getter(required): function to get data, () => Promise.
- level: 1 for memory cache, 2 for sessionStorage, 3 for localStorage, default is
. - expireIn: for how many time will be expired, count in second.
- forceUpdate: update every time when mounted or dependency changed, default is
. - dependencies: dependencies, default is
import {useCache} from "ease-hooks";
function Component() {
const [data, clear, update ] = useCache("CACHE_NAME", () => {
return Promise.resolve(SomeData)
}, 0, 30);
clear() // clear saved data, at next time it runs, data will be reloaded.
update(data) // update saved data.
// some other code
usePageBloc is a hook for managing page state, it's supposed to be use with Ant design's
component or ProTable
component in ProComponents. But it can be used in
other situation's alike, just make a wrapper component as an api adapter.
options for usePageBloc:
type ResponseData<T> = {
data: T[];
total: number;
type API = {
// get page data
get: <T>(params: any) => Promise<TableDataResponse<T>>;
type BlocOptions = {
// key for identifying data, default is 'id'
idKey?: string;
selectable?: boolean;
// if true, selection will be kept when page change.
holdSelection?: boolean;
selectMode?: "checkbox" | "radio";
// if true, data will be loaded when component mounted.
initialization?: boolean;
// show pagination or not
showPagination?: boolean;
api: API;
pageSizeList?: number[];
// state will be persaved in memory.
persistent?: boolean;
// initial params for api.get
initialParams?: any;
usePageBloc return value:
type usePageBlocReturnValue = {
tableProps: {
rowKey: 'string',
// paination will be false if showPagination is false
pagination: {
current: number;
pageSize: number;
total: number;
onChange: ({curent: nubmer, pageSize: number}) => void,
pageSizeOptions: number[],
rowSelection: rowConfig,
dataSource: any[],
loading: boolean,
filterProps: {
onReset: () => void;
onSubmit: (any) => {};
initialValues: any;
refresh: () => void;
navigate: (data: any) => void;
selected: any[];
clearSelection: () => void;
setFixedParamsAndRefresh: (params: any) => void;