0.1.1 • Published 2 years ago

hoppscotch-cli-test v0.1.1

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2 years ago

Preview of the CLI:

Commands Available:

Usage: hopp-cli [options or commands] arguments

  -v, --ver            see the current version of the CLI
  -c, --config <file>  path to a Hoppscotch collection.json file for CI testing
  -h, --help           display help for command

  test                 interactive Hoppscotch testing through CLI

Command Descriptions:

  1. hopp-cli -v / hopp-cli --ver

    • Prints out the current version of the Hoppscotch CLI
  2. hopp-cli -c <config> / hopp-cli --config <config>

    • Takes an absolute path of the Hoppscotch config JSON
    • Parses the collection JSON and executes each requests
    • Outputs the response of each request
    • (FUTURE SCOPE): Execute the pre-request and post-request scripts on each request
  3. hopp-cli -h / hopp-cli --help

    • Displays the help text
  4. hopp-cli test

    • Interactive CLI to accept Hoppscotch collection JSON path
    • Parses the collection JSON and executes each requests
    • Outputs the response of each request
    • (FUTURE SCOPE): Execute the pre-request and post-request scripts on each request


  1. Clone the repository
  2. pnpm install
  3. cd packages/hoppscotch-cli
  4. pnpm run build
  5. sudo pnpm link --global
  6. Test the installation by executing hopp-cli


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2 years ago