0.0.5 • Published 10 years ago

hot-cocoa v0.0.5

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10 years ago

Hot Cocoa is a set of JavaScript libraries for implementing languages that I built using the Node.js\cite{nodejs} command line interface. It includes a parsing system for determining the structure of code, a semantic analysis system for applying meaning to that structure, a templating system for generating compiled code, a system for organizing built-in functions, and a testing system for making sure that everything works. The project is hosted at https://github.com/olleicua/hot-cocoa. It can be included in a project using npm with:

: $ npm install hot-cocoa

  • Parsing

My parsing system was based on the discussion of parsing in Programming Language Pragmatics by Michael L. Scott. The system works in two stages: scanning the original source for tokens and parsing a sequence of tokens into a parse tree. The scanner's purpose is to divide a string of raw code into the smallest possible meaningful pieces called tokens. Each token will be assigned a type by the scanner, such as operator, numeric literal, or identifier. My scanner API takes an array of token type objects and a string of input source code. The array of token types should look like the following:

: var tokenTypes = [ : { t:'number', re:/^\d+/ }, // one or more digits : { t:'word', re:/^a-z+/ }, // one or more letters : { t:'whitespace', re:/^\s+/ } // one or more whitespace characters : ];

In a loop, the scanner tries each of the regular expressions in the token type list until one matches at the beginning of the source code, creates a new token object of the associated type with the matched string as a value, and shifts the matched string off of the beginning of the source code. A token type with the name ~whitespace~ is special. By default ~whitespace~ tokens are omitted from the result. The above token type list could transform

: foo 1 2 bar 3 baz qux 4


: { type: 'word', value: 'foo' }, : { type: 'number', value: '1' }, : { type: 'number', value: '2' }, : { type: 'word', value: 'bar' }, : { type: 'number', value: '3' }, : { type: 'word', value: 'baz' }, : { type: 'word', value: 'qux' }, : { type: 'number', value: '4' }

\noindent Once a sequence of tokens is generated, they can be parsed into a tree. A parse tree is basically a way of organizing a sequence of tokens into a form that has meaningful structure using a context-free grammar. For example, a scanner could break up the string

: '(foo bar ) ( baz qux )'

into tokens representing words and parentheses but a parser would be needed to determine that ~foo~ and ~bar~ are grouped together and that ~baz~ and ~qux~ are separately grouped together.

I implemented two different parsing algorithms with the same API. Recursive descent is the faster of the two, but CYK is guaranteed to work for arbitrarily ambiguous grammars in reasonably well bounded time (O(n^3)) so long as there is at least one valid parsing of the input token list. My parsing API takes a context-free grammar formatted as a JSON object and a list of tokens and returns a JSON parse tree. Continuing the previous example, consider the following grammar:

: var parseGrammar = { : "_program": [ : "_function", "_program", : [] : ], : "_function": [ : "word", "_arguments" : ], : "_arguments": [ : "number", "_arguments", : [] : ] : };

With the above sequence of tokens, this grammar would produce the following tree:

: [ { "type": "_program", "tree": [ : { "type": "_function", "tree": [ : { "type": "word", "value": "foo" }, : { "type": "_arguments", "tree": [ : { "type": "number", "value": "1" }, : { "type": "_arguments", "tree": [ : { "type": "number", "value": "2" }, : { "type": "_arguments", "tree": } : ] } : ] } : ] }, : { "type": "_program", "tree": [ : { "type": "_function", "tree": [ : { "type": "word", "value": "bar" }, : { "type": "_arguments", "tree": [ : { "type": "number", "value": "3" }, : { "type": "_arguments", "tree": } : ] } : ] }, : { "type": "_program", "tree": [ : { "type": "_function", "tree": [ : { "type": "word", "value": "baz" }, : { "type": "_arguments", "tree": } : ] }, : { "type": "_program", "tree": [ : { "type": "_function", "tree": [ : { "type": "word", "value": "qux" }, : { "type": "_arguments", "tree": [ : { "type": "number", "value": "4" }, : { "type": "_arguments", "tree": } : ] } : ] }, : { "type": "_program", "tree": } : ] } : ] } : ] } : ] } ]

  • Semantic analysis

After the parsing organizes the code into a structure, the next step is to extract meaning from that structure using semantic analysis. My semantic analysis system provides a mapping from the various node types in the tree structure (in this case _program, _function, _arguments, word, and number) to functions for handling them. For a simple interpreted language, these functions could return the program's output. For a more complex one like Hot Cocoa Lisp, they return a much simpler data structure called an abstract syntax tree that is isomorphic to the structure of Lisp syntax. For parsing a simple Lisp-like language, the abstraction of a parsing and semantic analysis library is not really necessary. A much simpler algorithm could have been used to generate the abstract syntax tree, but I enjoyed the exercise of building up the infrastructure, and I think it helped me to build a richer understanding of language implementation as well as API design.

  • Templating

When I realized that I was going to make a compiler, it occurred to me that I needed a templating system to format the compiled JavaScript source. My templating system mostly consists of a format function which takes a format string and a values object or array as arguments. Values are interpolated into the format string in place of ~~TAGNAME~~ where ~'TAGNAME'~ is a key in the values object. If no key is specified (i.e. '~~') then the key is the integer number of empty interpolations preceding this one. For example:

: format("() () (~~)", 1, 7, 19); // "(1) (7) (19)" : format(" ~stars~ ~underbars~ ", : { stars: "foo", underbars: "bar" }); // " foo bar "

  • Function maps

I also made a system for organizing built-in functions that I called function maps. The basic idea was to have a JavaScript object that relates the name of a built-in function to a compilation function that generates JavaScript source for that function. In its most basic form, this compilation function can be defined by a format string. For example, the Lisp ~if~ function is simply defined by the format string:

: '(~~ ? ~~ : ~~)'

The function map also keeps track of synonyms and provides a mechanism for associating properties with functions.

  • Testing

I also built a test system with two parts. The first is an API that takes an array of pairs (arrays with two elements). If the first of the pair is a function, then it is called inside of a try block, and its result or error message is used as the first value. The two values are then compared, and the test is considered passed if they are equal. The API then prints to standard out how many tests were passed and what was expected and gotten in any tests that failed. The second part of the system is an executable that recursively scans the current working directory and its children for files that match ~/tests/*.js~ or ~/*.test.js~, executes them with Node.js, prints their output, and summarizes the number of tests tried and passed. The executable test script can be installed and run using:

: $ npm -g install hot-cocoa : $ hot-cocoa-test


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