1.1.0 • Published 4 years ago

html-element-factory v1.1.0

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Last release
4 years ago

Element Factory


Element Factory is a dependency-free, light-weight tool for quickly creating HTML complete with attributes and ancestors inside of your JS.

Installation & Inclusion

Install it with:

npm i html-element-factory

Bring into your project:

const elementFactory = require('html-element-factory');
// Or using ES Modules:
import elementFactory from 'html-element-factory';


(You can also check the mini wiki page)

To introduce by example, let's say we want to create a div element, with a class and an id. With vanilla JS we'd do something like this

const div = document.createElement('div');
div.className = 'foo';
div.id = 'bar';

With elementFactory, we pass in an array where the first value is the type of element we want to create, the remaining items can be strings of 'attribute=value', so the above example can be created as:

elementFactory(['div', 'class=foo', 'id=bar']);
// <div class="foo" id="bar"></div>

You can pass in any valid HTML attributes, or boolean attributes (such as 'disabled'). It also supports text= for text content, and html= for inner HTML.

To create child elements, we just need to pass in an array with our other items, the array should be structured the same as your main array, with the first value as the type of element and the remaining values as attributes, or even other arrays, which in turn will create grandchildren and so on.

        'text=this is a child'
 * <div>
 *     <span class="child">This is a child</span>
 * </div>

elementFactory can quickly create multiple children by adding elementnumber such as `'div2'`.

 * <ul>
 *     <li></li>
 *     <li></li>
 *     <li></li>
 *     <li></li>
 *     <li></li>
 * </ul>

Using this we can build out a lot of HTML quickly, here is an example of a table


Which builds the following


Browser support

Will work on browsers that support ES5 out of the box, the DOM APIs in use are supported on all modern browsers and IE8+