1.0.2 • Published 5 years ago

html-select2 v1.0.2

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5 years ago


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Match & splice a tokenized HTML stream with css selectors. Like html-select but maintained.


$ npm install html-select2 --save


Readable Stream

Given a tokenized stream from html-tokenize, this program will print the dt tags matching the selector 'ul > li dt':

const select = require('html-select2')
const tokenize = require('html-tokenize')
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')

const stream = select('ul > li dt', function (e) {
  console.log('*** MATCH ***')
  e.createReadStream().on('data', function (row) {
    console.log([row[0], row[1].toString()])

  .createReadStream(path.join(__dirname, '/page.html'))


The s.resume() is necessary to put the stream into flow mode since we aren't doing anything with the output of s.

Now this html input:

    <title>presentation examples</title>
    <h1>hello there!</h1>
      This presentation contains these examples:

        <dd>node-style <code>require()</code> in the browser</dd>

        <dd>shuffle data around with backpressure</dd>

        <dd>n-dimensional matricies on top of typed arrays</dd>

        <dd>make music with code</dd>

        <dd>make minecraft-style games in webgl</dd>

        <dd>transform html with css selectors and streams</dd>

gives this output:

*** MATCH ***
[ 'open', '<dt>' ]
[ 'text', 'browserify' ]
[ 'close', '</dt>' ]
*** MATCH ***
[ 'open', '<dt>' ]
[ 'text', 'streams' ]
[ 'close', '</dt>' ]
*** MATCH ***
[ 'open', '<dt>' ]
[ 'text', 'ndarray' ]
[ 'close', '</dt>' ]
*** MATCH ***
[ 'open', '<dt>' ]
[ 'text', 'music' ]
[ 'close', '</dt>' ]
*** MATCH ***
[ 'open', '<dt>' ]
[ 'text', 'voxeljs' ]
[ 'close', '</dt>' ]
*** MATCH ***
[ 'open', '<dt>' ]
[ 'text', 'trumpet' ]
[ 'close', '</dt>' ]

Transform Stream

Using the same html file from the previous example, this script converts everything inside dt elements to uppercase:

const select = require('html-select2')
const tokenize = require('html-tokenize')
const through = require('through2')
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')

const stream = select('dt', function (e) {
  const tr = through.obj(function (row, buf, next) {
    this.push([ row[0], String(row[1]).toUpperCase() ])

fs.createReadStream(path.join(__dirname, '/page.html'))
  .pipe(through.obj(function (row, buf, next) {

Running the transform program yields this html output:

    <title>presentation examples</title>
    <h1>hello there!</h1>
      This presentation contains these examples:

        <dd>node-style <code>require()</code> in the browser</dd>

        <dd>shuffle data around with backpressure</dd>

        <dd>n-dimensional matricies on top of typed arrays</dd>

        <dd>make music with code</dd>

        <dd>make minecraft-style games in webgl</dd>

        <dd>transform html with css selectors and streams</dd>


const select = require('html-select2')

var sel = select(selector, cb)

Create a new html selector transform stream sel.

sel expects tokenized html objects as input and writes tokenized html objects as output.

If selector and cb are given, sel.select(selector, cb) is called automatically.

sel.select(selector, cb)

Register a callback cb(elem) to fire whenever the css selector string matches.


Create a readable object mode stream at the selector. The readable stream contains all the matching tokenized html objects including the element that matched and its closing tag.

If opts.inner is true, only read the inner content. Otherwrite read the outer content.


Create a writable object mode stream at the selector. The writable stream writes into the document stream at the selector, replacing the existing content.

If opts.inner is true, only write to the inner content. Otherwrite write to the outer content.


Create a duplex object mode stream at the selector. The writable side will write into the document stream at the selector, replacing the existing content. The readable side contains the existing content.

If opts.inner is true, only read and write to the inner content. Otherwrite read and write to the outer content.

elem.setAttribute(key, value)

Set an attribute named by key to value.

If value is true, the attribute will appear without an equal sign in the markup.


Remove an attribute named by key.


Return an object with a single attribute value named by key.


Return an object with all attributes.



The string name of the tag.


elem.on('close', function () {})

When a matched element is closed for reading and writing, this event fires.

Supported CSS Selectors

Internally html-select2 uses cssauron.


html-select2 © Kiko Beats, released under the MIT License. Authored and maintained by Kiko Beats with help from contributors.

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