0.11.1 • Published 1 year ago

html5-form-validation-js v0.11.1

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1 year ago

HTML5 Form Validation JS

Leverages HTML5 form validation API to style the output of error messages. This is a Vanilla JS implementation that uses the HTML Client-side Form Validation API - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Forms/Form_validation#validating_forms_using_javascript

Table of contents


You can use NPM to download package into your project

npm install html5-form-validation-js

OR you can use the html5-form-validation.js directly in your project

<script src="html5-form-validation.js"></script>

Basic Usage

See '/demo/basic-usage.html' in repo for complete example

Instructions 1. Once initFormValidation() runs, it will try to register every form on the page unless the 'novalidate' attribute is included on the form tag. See heading 'Prevent Plugin from Handling Form'. 2. Forms handled by the plugin should include the following HTML attributes or a warning will be logged to the console. - id - Standard HTML unique identifier - data-form-callback - Name of function to handle form submission when all inputs are valid 3. Use FormValidation.registerCallback to associate a named or anonymous function that will handle form submission. - The first argument, name, should be the same as the data-form-callback attribute on the form. - The second argument, callback, is a function that accepts the same event object passed to eventListeners. - Note: using event.target.elements you can gain access to the form elements (inputs) and subsequently their values 4. If any errors occur within the form, errors will be displayed in a div below the form element with a default CSS class of .validation-message 5. Additionally, when an error occurs the .input-error class is added to the input. 6. The error messages and .input-error classes will be removed once errors are corrected and the form is resubmitted.


    input:invalid {
    border: 2px dashed red;

    input:invalid:required {
    background-image: linear-gradient(to right, pink, lightgreen);

    input:valid {
    border: 2px solid black;


<form id="myform" data-form-callback="handleFormSubmission">

    <input pattern="[a-z]{1,15}" placeholder="Lowercase only">



<script type="module">

    // ES6 Module Import
    import { FormValidation, initFormValidation } from '/html5-form-validation-js/html5-form-validation.js';

    // Initialize Plugin

    // Form Submission Handler
    FormValidation.registerCallback( 'handleFormValidation', formSubmitEvent => alert( 'Form ID - ' + formSubmitEvent.target.id + ' is valid!' ) ); 

Grouping and Displaying Error Messages Together

See '/demo/grouped-error-messages.html' in repo for complete example


// Inline Input error
<input pattern="[a-z]{1,15}" placeholder="Lowercase only" class="input-error">
<div class="validation-message">Please fill out this field.</div>

Alternatively, developers can choose to group the error messages and display them anywhere in the document by adding the data-error-output-id="" attribute to the form tag. The value of the attribute refers to the id attribute of a div anywhere in the document. The plugin will append div with the class .validation-message for each input error detected.

If a UI specifies multiple forms, each form can use its own grouped error message container.


<div id="grouped-error-messages"></div>

<form id="myForm"  data-error-output-id="grouped-error-messages">

// A second form with independently grouped error messages
<div id="another-grouped-error-messages"></div>

<form id="myForm"  data-error-output-id="another-grouped-error-messages">

Note: When using grouped error messages, the plugin will try to normalize and display an input's name attribute to help the user identify where the input error occurred.

<input name="first-name"> // Outputs: 'First Name - Please fill out this field.
<input name="first_name"> // Outputs: 'First Name - Please fill out this field.
<input name="firstName">  // Outputs: 'FirstName - Please fill out this field.

<input name="first_name" data-error-message="My custom error message"/> 
// Outputs: 'First Name - My custom error message

Custom Error Messages

See '/demo/grouped-error-messages.html' in this repo for complete example

To display custom error messages, developers can add the data-error-message attribute to an input to override the default message.


<input data-error-message="My custom error message"/>

Handling Form Submission on Success

When the submit button is clicked on a form where the HTML5-Form-Validation-JS plugin will handle validation, preventdefault(), stopImmediatePropagation(), and stopPropagation() methods are called when the submit event is triggered on the form. As a result, the default form action will not be called; the developer has to handle form submission.

Developers can handle form submission by registering a callback (form submission handler) via the .registerCallback( name, eventHandler ) method. It accepts a string as its first argument and a function as its second. When the eventHandler is called, it is passed the form submit event. The eventHandler can be a named, anonymous, or arrow function.

The HTML5-Form-Validation-JS plugin can register multiple callbacks by storing them in a private named array (object) within the FormValidation.callbacks. At present, there a getter function for retrieving callbacks has not been implemented.

Important: 1. The form attribute, data-form-callback, and the name argument passed to .registerCallback( name, eventHandler ) must be the same for the callback to be applied. 2. The same callback can be used for multiple forms.


<form id="myform" data-form-callback="handleFormSubmission">

    <input pattern="[a-z]{1,15}" placeholder="Lowercase only">



    function( formSubmitEvent ) { 
        alert( 'Form ID - ' + formSubmitEvent.target.id + ' is valid!' )

Prevent Plugin from Handling a Form

To prevent the default form handling on a single form, add the novalidate attribute to the form tag.

Note: If novalidate is detected, the developer will have to handle both the form submission and validation processes. The browser's default implementation of the HTML Client-side Form Validation API will be deactivated. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Forms/Form_validation#validating_forms_using_javascript


<form id="myform" novalidate>

    <input pattern="[a-z]{1,15}" placeholder="Lowercase only">


(Optional) Honeypot Pattern

See /demo/basic-usage.html in this repo

Optionally, developers can implement a simple form pattern known as the Honeypot to prevent bots from spamming your form and triggering resulting emails hooks, or API.

The pattern involves a hidden form input that users are unaware of and unlikely to fill out. The input is hidden using CSS positioning instead of display:none so as not to alert the bot, so it provides and input. On the form submit event JavaScript is used to detect whether the hidden input was left blank before performing any form actions. If the input has a value the form action is aborted.

HTML5-Form-Validation-JS implements the concept by validating text input within a div called .jar. In future releases, the class name will be at the descretion of the developer to improve the effectiveness of the implementation. Furthermore, developers can implement their own honeypot in their form submission eventHandler.

This technique is easy to implement and easy to counter. Recaptcha is more effective.


// Hides Honeypot from user but not bot
.jar {
    opacity: 0;
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    height: 0;
    width: 0;
    z-index: -1;

<div class="jar">
    <input type="text"> // If value is not blank, then form will not be submitted

Public Methods

initFormValidation()Imported method that will cause the HTML5-Form-Validation-JS plugin to handle every validation and submission events for every form without the novalidate attribute in the document.
FormValidation.registerForm( formElement )Takes a form element, attaches a new submit eventlistener
FormValidation.registerCallback( name, eventHandler )Stores a function in a named array within the FormValidation object to be called with the form submit event

Form Attributes

HTML ElementAttributeDescription
FormidNative HTML unique identifier
data-form-callbackExpected value: string. Should be the name used with FormValidation.registerCallback() to associate an eventHandler with the form submit event if all form inputs are valid
data-error-output-idExpected value: string equal to ID of an HTML Element. Specifies a container to output grouped error messages
data-near-inputExpected value: 'before' or 'after'. Determines whether inline error message is displayed before or after the form input element.
Inputdata-error-messageExpected value: string. Custom error message to display when the specified input is invalid

1 year ago


1 year ago


1 year ago


1 year ago


1 year ago