0.0.2 • Published 7 years ago

hubot-duo v0.0.2

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Last release
7 years ago


npm version

This package will allow you to make use of DUO two-factor authentication (push notifications) in your hubot scripts.


  • Run the npm install command
npm install hubot-duo --save
  • Add hubot-duo to the array in your external-scripts.json


DUO Setup

  • Follow the instructions for setting up DUO Auth API. Note: the Auth API is only available on DUO Enterprise and Platform editions, but they do offer a 30 day trial.
  • Set your environment variables to your API Host, Integration Key, and Secret key (See Environment Variables)
  • Create DUO users and enroll their devices for push notifications. Hint: if you can create the DUO users with the same naming convention as your chat users (msg.message.user.name), you can save yourself some work.

Environment variables

  • DUO_API_HOST - DUO API hostname
  • DUO_API_IKEY - DUO Integration key
  • DUO_API_SKEY - DUO Secret key


Verifying the setup:

user@localhost$ export DUO_API_HOST=api-a1d2f3g4h5j6.duosecurity.com
user@localhost$ export DUO_API_IKEY=123456789SADFGHJK
user@localhost$ export DUO_API_SKEY=123456789LKJHGFDSAMNBVCXZ
user@localhost$ bin/hubot
hubot> hubot duo verify
hubot> {"time":1479154215}

If you didn't get any errors, your DUO keys are valid!

hubot-duo works by binding a duo object to the global robot for use inside any other hubot script that you wish to add 2FA to.

In this short example, we are assuming that our chat platform usernames (msg.message.user.name) are the same as the usernames in DUO.

module.exports = (robot) ->
  robot.respond /launch the rocket/i, (msg) ->
    msg.reply 'In order to launch the rocket, you have to authenticate via DUO. Sending you a push notification now...'
    robot.duo.auth msg.message.user.name, (err, res) ->
      if err
        return msg.send "Error during DUO authentication: #{err}"
      if res.result == 'allow'
        return msg.send 'LAUNCHING THE ROCKET!!! :rocket:'
      return msg.send 'Aborting the rocket launch...'