1.1.0 • Published 6 years ago

hubot-simple-attendance v1.1.0

Weekly downloads
Last release
6 years ago


This plugin allows hubot to track weekly user attendance for a list (e.g. who will be in an office during the week).



  • Each list has multiple users
  • Each user can be on multiple lists
  • Each user can only be on each list once

Days in the week

  • Lists have multiple days
  • A user is either present (1) or absent (0) on each day
  • Days are represented by a list of 7 bits (one per DOW) OR 5 bits (weekdays)


  • Whenever a list is cycled, all users in that list are cleared (it is generally the list "owner" responsibility to do so at the end of the week).
  • One user can lock the list so only they can lock/unlock/cycle/rm the list (this makes them the "owner" of that list)


Setting your bits

!attendance <list> <5/7 day bits>

Set the speaker's current weeks' attendance to the list. Accepts either 5 or 7 bits, with each bit representing present (1) or absent (0) for the positional day. Weeks start with Sunday.


  • !attendance charlotte 11111 --> set present for all weekdays
  • !attendance charlotte 0101010 --> set present for MWF

Showing the attendance for a list

!attendance <list> [day]

Show current week's attendance for list. Takes an optional day, in which case it only shows the attendance for that particular day.

Cycling the list

!attendance cycle <list>

Cycles the list to the next week. Meta info (such as owner) for the list are maintained. All user attendance is cleared. This should be done by the owner/locker at the end of each week.

(Un)locking the list

!attendance <lock|unlock> <list>

Locks or unlocks the list so that only the speaker can cycle|unlock|rm the list.

Removing a list

!attendance rm <list>

Completely deletes the list (including meta info). If you just want to go to the next week, use cycle.


6 years ago


6 years ago