2.0.10 • Published 10 years ago
huygens-faceted-search v2.0.10
Faceted Search
Backbone based library
- perf Move range logic from view to model.
- bug sortResultsBy still worked using sort instead of sortParameters.
- Don't remove active class from filter when toggling sorting.
- Add authorizationHeaderToken to config.
- If only one text layer is present don't show it as an option in the full text.
- Change reset logic in list facet, would not update correct.
- Range facet labels (years) are now editable.
- Main and facets templates are now seperate templates (used to be one)
- Trigger "request:failed" event when a request made from the FS fails
- ListFacet reset would not reset the sorting strategy.
ListFacet sorting is now split in two: count > 0 and count == 0. Count > 0 has precedence over count == 0.
- Facets would not update if no results where returned by the server.
- Remove switch type bug.
- Remove to prevent auto form submit.
- Clean up mark up.
- ListFacet would not reset properly.
- Fix range resize bug.
- Fix passing wrong arguments to queryOptions.
- Add a standalone FS instance to be used for debugging and acceptance tests.
- Move facets models to facet/ dir.
- BREAKING: package is now available as a standalone browserify build through the /dist dir. Javascript is now split in two: one file for libs (libs.js) and one for the faceted search (src.js). There is also a main.js which is libs.js and src.js concatenated.
- BREAKING: rename config.facetNameMap to config.facetTitleMap.
- BREAKING: faceted search will not start searching automatically after initialization. Call manually using fs.search().
- Replaced huygens/hilib with gijsjan/funcky-* mini libs. Funcky mini libs are (very) small sets of functions without third party deps.
- The mainModel is now known as queryOptions.
- Firing requests is now a responsibility of the searchResults collection, instead of a searchResult model.
- ... general refactoring and cleaning up of code.
10 years ago