1.0.0 • Published 8 years ago

hxdx v1.0.0

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Last release
8 years ago


NPM version js-standard-style

simple connecter for state dispatching and rendering

Connects a redux-style store to a virtual-dom-style view and sets up rendering with minimal boilerplate. Works well with functional components that take state and sometimes dispatch.

Exposes an hx function for constructing components elements, and a dx function for dispatching to the store within your components. Thus the name! Currently uses hyperx for defining components and main-loop for rendering. Doesn't require redux, just something that acts as a state store.

I wrote this because I love the redux design pattern, but found the react-redux bindings, and react in general, big and complex and hard to reason about. If you care about performance those are supposed to be much faster!

See also


npm install hxdx


Set up a simple redux store with one action

var reducer = function (state, action) {
 switch (action.type) {
    case 'INCREMENT':
      return state + 1
      return state

var store = require('redux').createStore(reducer, 0)

Then create your components (normally these would be in separate files)

We'll make one that renders

var display = function (state) {
  return hx`<div>${state}</div>`

And one that dipatches

var button = function (state) {
  function onclick () {
    dx({type: 'INCREMENT'})
  return hx`<button onclick=${onclick}>+</button>`

Then just render your top-level component using the store

var app = function (state) {
  return hx`<div>${display(state)}${button()}</div>`

hxdx.render(app, store)

and the DOM will be updated using diffing on every click.


hxdx.render(component, store, [root])

Render a component and connect it to a store.

  • component function mapping state to a virtual dom element
  • store a state store with subscribe, dispatch, and getState methods
  • root a base DOM element to append to (if undefined will appemd to body)

Store can be able object that follows the redux API.


Tagged template function for generating virtual-dom elements. Can be required inside any of your components.


Dispatch action to the store. Can be required inside any of your components.