1.0.2 • Published 8 years ago

hybrid-array-runner v1.0.2

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#HybridArrayRunner Build StatusInline docsnpm version

A promise enabled, ES6 Class for applying array elements to an asynchronous function (returning Promises).


Execute statements in parallel, throwing away any resolved data (such as database inserts):

let HybridArrayRunner = require('hybrid-array-runner');
let s = new HybridArrayRunner(HybridArrayRunner.LAST_RETURN, 10);
s.run(arrayToIterate, functionToCall, scope, dbConnection)
    .then( (results) => {
        // Used this way up to 10 calls are made at a time in parallel.
        // After each bucket (of 10) has resolved, results contains the data from the last function call.
        // If all function calls resolve, we get here. Otherwise, rejected.
        // For each element in the array the function call would look like:
        // functionToCall(element, dbConnection);

Capture all resolved data in an array and return it with the resolved promise:

let s = new HybridArrayRunner(HybridArrayRunner.ARRAY_RETURN, 20);
s.run(arrayToIterate, classMethodToCall, class, s3, commonTag)
    .then ( (resultsArray) => {
        // Used this way, 20 calls are made in parallel successively. 
        // Each resolved result is pushed to an array and returned.
        // Since we're calling a class method, we need to pass in the class instance as scope.
        // For each element in the array the method call would look like:
        // methodToCall(element, s3, commonTag);

Expect array data from the given function and concatenate into an results array:

let s = new HybridArrayRunner(HybridArrayRunner.CONCAT_ARRAY_RETURN, 10);
s.run(arrayToIterate, classMethodToCall, class, s3)
    .then ( (concatenatedResultsArray) => {
        // Used this way, each resolved result array appended to the results array and returned.
        // Since we're calling a class method, need to pass in the class instance as scope.
        // For each element in the array the method call would look like:
        // methodToCall(element, s3);
        // This variation is useful for such things as AWS S3 ListObject.

Change the behavior of the class at any time with the behaviorType setter:

let s = new HybridArrayRunner(); // Default behavior is LAST_RETURN
s.behaviorType = HybridArrayRunner.ARRAY_RETURN;

Change the number of threads at any time with the numberOfThreads setter:

s.numberOfThreads = 10;

##Description The purpose of this class is to provide an easy mechanism for applying array data to promise enabled asynchronous functions (or class methods). A combination of series and parallel asynchronous calls (hence the name 'hybrid), is used for execution. The given array is sliced into an array of buckets (or array). The size of each bucket is determined by the threads parameter. The contents of each bucket is operated in parallel. Successive buckets are operated on in series, until the array is depleted.

This class uses the same run() interface as it's sister classes (SerializedArrayRunner and ParallelArrayRunner) and contains an instance of each internally.

In simpler terms:

  • I have an array of something.
  • I want to call an asynchronous function(returning a promise) to operate on each item in the array.
  • I want to run up to request in parallel.
  • I want to wait for each bucket of parallel requests to finish before executing the next bucket.
  • I want a promise returned when all of the the function promises have been resolved.
  • I may or may not want to capture all of the returned data from each function call.

##Project Features

  • ES6 Class
  • Promise enabled
  • Complete test coverage with Mocha and Chai
  • JSDoc generated API documentation
  • Rest parameters are used for maximum flexibility.

##Installation npm install hybrid-array-runner --save

Git Repository: https://github.com/wildbillh/hybrid-array-runner

##Documentation API Documentation: HybridArrayRunner.html

##Example Usage The code below shows typical use of the class. File example-uses.js is available in the example folder, but is included below as a convenience.

// File: example-uses.js - Example Uses for the HybridArrayRunner Class

"use strict";

// Note: for production code you should require the class from npm
// let HybridArrayRunner = require('hybrid-array-runner');
let HybridArrayRunner = require('../lib/hybrid-array-runner');

// Create some simulated async calls that return promises

// This function takes 2 numbers as parameters and returns a promise of their sums.
let addTwoNumbers = (first, second) => {
    return new Promise( (resolve, reject ) => {
        setTimeout( (adder1, adder2) => {
            return resolve(adder1 + adder2);
        },10, first, second);

// This function takes 3 parameters and returns a promise of a 3 element array.
let makeArrayFromParms = (first, second, third) => {
    return new Promise( (resolve, reject ) => {
        setTimeout( (p1, p2, p3) => {
            return resolve([].concat(p1, p2, p3));
        },10, first, second, third);

let rejectIfZeroIsPassed = (element) => {
    return new Promise( (resolve, reject ) => {
        setTimeout( (el) => {
            if (el === 0) {
                return reject('Found a zero element');
            return resolve(el);
        },10, element);

let runner = null;
let scope = null;

// The constructor sets the behavior type. Setting an invalid type will throw an exception.
// In latter sets, we won't bother with catching the exception.
try {
    runner = new HybridArrayRunner(HybridArrayRunner.LAST_RETURN, 3);
catch (err) {

// For each element in the array [1,2,3], call the addTwoNumbers function.
// For each call to the function, the first argument will be the current
// element and the second argument will be 10.
// Since we didn't set the behavior in the constructor, we get the
// default behavior (HybridArrayRunner.LAST_RETURN)
// and the default number of threads (5)
// The run method will return a promise containing the data
// from the last call - addTwoNumbers(3,10)
// If any of the calls to the function reject, the run method rejects as well.

runner.run([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3], addTwoNumbers, scope, 10)
    .then( (results) => {
        // 13

        // Now change the behavior to capture all of the results in an array
        runner.behaviorType = HybridArrayRunner.ARRAY_RETURN;
        // Set the number of threads to 2
        runner.numberOfThreads = 2;

        return runner.run([1,2,3], addTwoNumbers, scope, 10)
    .then ( (results) => {
        // [ 11, 12, 13 ]

        // Change the behavior to concatenated array return
        runner.behaviorType = HybridArrayRunner.CONCAT_ARRAY_RETURN;

        // Now we expect each function call to return an array and we
        // concatenate all of the results into one array.
        // Notice we're adding an additional parameter to the run call.
        // You can add as many as desired.

        return runner.run(['a','b','c'], makeArrayFromParms, scope, '1', '2');
    .then( (results) => {
        // [ 'a', '1', '2', 'b', '1', '2', 'c', '1', '2' ]

        // Now we'll cause a rejection
        runner.behaviorType = HybridArrayRunner.LAST_RETURN;
        return runner.run([4,2,0,5], rejectIfZeroIsPassed, scope);
    .then ( (results) => {
        // Never executed because above rejects
    .catch( (err) => {
        // 'Found a zero element'