hybrid-build-kit v0.0.15
A command line interface for multi-environment builds.
- Environments: browser - dev - testing - staging - production
- Platforms: android - ios - pwa
- Easy management of environments' urls and whitelisted third party endpoints
- Auto update based on targeted env: * CSP (content-security-policy) and access origin
- App name and package name
- Version number
- Custom config file for each environment
- Ionic v2 and above.
Getting started
The library provides a command that you run before each build to update your project with the targeted environment's configurations.
So you simply run
hybrid-build-kit initialize testing // hybrid-build-kit initialize <env> <platform>, defaults to 'browser' 'android'
and your project is ready for build.
But before running the command there are few things that needs to be made.
1. Install the library
npm install hybrid-build-kit --save-dev
2. Add: "setup": "hybrid-build-kit setup" to your npm scripts
then run the script
npm run setup
This command will set up your project to support the library. It does so by copying the necessary configuration files to your project and modify few other files.
3. Update main.ts file
Found at 'project/src/app/main.ts', this file should be updated by adding the following lines
import { enableProdMode } from "@angular/core";
import { Environments } from "./config/configuration";
import { Configuration } from "./config/env.config";
if (Configuration.instance.environment === Environments.production) {
and that's before the line platformBrowserDynamic().bootstrapModule(AppModule);
4. Add 'Configuration' as a service (provider)
This step is optional. But it's recommended to follow as best practice, and to benefit from angular's DI.
In your app.module.ts (or the module where you add shared services), import the Configuration class and add it to your providers list.
import { Configuration } from "./config/env.config";
providers: [
5. Add environments' urls
Head to 'project/_build/json/endpoints.json' and enter the urls. It's not mandatory to enter urls for all of the environments, just the ones you are planning to target.
"browser": "https://localhost",
"dev": "https://your-dev-server.com",
Measurements are taken so that only the targeted environment's url will end up in the app bundle.
6. Add declarations.d.ts to your src folder, with the content below (allows importing json files as modules)
declare module '*.json';
Note the 'config' and '_build' folders were added to your project when you ran the setup command.
To use the library you can run initialize command as shown earlier hybrid-build-kit initialize <env> <platform>
But it's better to add the command to your existing build scripts. example:
"scripts": {
"ionic:serve": "ionic-app-scripts serve",
"preionic:serve": "npm run initialize",
"initialize": "hybrid-build-kit initialize",
"android-dev": "npm run initialize dev && ionic cordova run android",
"android-production": "npm run initialize production && ionic cordova run android --release --prod --generateSourceMap",
"pwa-staging": "npm run initialize staging pwa && npm run build --generateSourceMap",
"ios-testing": "npm run initialize testing ios && ionic cordova run ios --target='iPhone-6'"
- Add more documentation
- Add support for environment based assets
- Add Tests
- Support regular angular projects